Chapter Ten: Old Memories

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Chapter 10

Lizzie and Anthony were in my room playing “Truth or Dare” when Nate came in as well.

“Hey, you got some people who want to come see you. Should I let them come up?” he asked, looking at me now.

I hardly looked presentable, but I was completely over that. “Sure. Do you know who it is?”

“Nope, they didn’t say. They just said they know you. I’ll tell them they can come up,” He walked out ready to go give them the news.

Lizzie turned to me. “You know, Anthony’s right. You two would be perfect!” she giggled.

I groaned, “Not you too.”

They both were in fits of laughter when three girls I recognized walked in the room. They were from my high school. I didn’t recall being good friends with any of them. We were more like acquaintances. Why were they here?

“Hey Charlie!” One of them said in an upbeat high voice. She ran quickly over to my bedside and hugged me.

“Hi…” I said trying to remember her name. I couldn’t remember it for the life of me, so I just decided to stick with a hi.

“We brought you flowers!” One of them perked up from behind the first girl. She was holding a beautiful bouquet of roses. They made the room smell wonderful with the sweet fragrance so I accepted them eagerly.

“Thanks,” I said, “That was nice of you.”

If they weren’t as outgoing as they were, it would have been very awkward, considering I barely knew them. I didn’t understand why they would be here for me, but that would be incredibly rude to ask them their reasoning for showing up randomly. 

“Well anyways,” The third girl said, stepping up and carrying a big hard-back book, “We got our yearbooks today. You are in a ton of pictures, so we thought we should come and show you.”

I didn’t know how I felt about that. My whole school was moving on without me, graduating, and going to college. I was stuck here, and I couldn’t do a thing about it.

“I would love to see!” I said, trying my best to sound as excited as possible. I didn't realize how hard it actually was. She started flipping through the pages.

She put a finger on a picture, showing me. “There’s you in photography club. Hey, I didn’t know you were in that. Look, there’s Cassidy too!”

I remember Cassidy begged me to join with her. After I took a picture just for fun one day in her back yard, she insisted it was the best she had ever seen. That’s how we ended up in that club. We looked really happy in the photo.

She turned a couple more pages before stopping at a second one. “There’s the volleyball picture,” Lynette was seriously athletic, and I was the exact opposite. When she wanted to try out for the team, she didn’t know anybody, and she also pleaded for me to join with her. I instantly rejected the idea, with absolutely no athletic ability working for me on my side. After a couple after school training sessions, Lynette helped me with my spike, and that’s how we both made it on to the volleyball team after tryouts. I had no doubt that Lynette would make it, but for me to make it as well was a big shocker and a really good surprise. 

She turned to the student council picture. Jaden had ran for Vice President this year, and when she got elected, we threw a party at my house will all four of us. I remember the memory perfectly clear. It was a fun time. I joined a little after, only I was a representative. It was the group picture I was looking at now, the one taken in the middle of the year.

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