The Song

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That night was our last at the pool for the summer. Fall was coming in and the air was changing, becoming thin with the promise of winter. I remember shivering that night in the chilly breeze.

We finished the song. It was on the back of all our minds. A last to-do before everything changed.

Bridge and Tom had brought their guitars and after swimming, they emerged from the pool, soaking wet, and wrapping themselves in towels, they began to play.

Between songs, Tom cleared his throat, looking decidedly uncomfortable. "Guys, I just want to tell you something."

Everyone stopped and listened. Tom spoke his mind so rarely, it was really something when he asked for our undivided attention. So we gave it to him.

"I know most of you probably don't know that much about me. I... well, back home, things are exactly easy right now. I appreciate y'all working with me and trying to help me be a part of this."

Bridge grinned as he teased him. "Hey, you're the musical prodigy. It's not like we had a choice."

"Yeah, you did," Tom said. His tone was serious and the grin slipped off Bridge's face. "You could have made this all so bad. But you didn't. Thank you for giving me a chance. I know I'm not like any of you. Not really. But I'm glad to call you friends."

"Us, too," Grady said. "Right guys?" Everyone nodded and Tom ventured a small smile. An awkward silence ensued until Ryder spoke up.

"Play that song you wrote," he said as he sipped a coke on a lawn chair. I was the only one still in the pool. Despite the fact that I was freezing, I had trouble getting out. I guess I sensed it was going to be my last chance to swim for awhile.

Bridge strummed the first notes and they began to sing. As I listened, the sun disappeared behind the trees and goosebumps broke out on my arms.

I thought I knew you well,

But it was all a lie,

You say it's hard to go,

Then you don't even try,

Bidding me farewell,

with just a kiss goodbye

I couldn't walk away,

And you watched me cry,

The time was drawing near,

And I had to fly,

So you bid me farewell,

With just a kiss goodbye

As you passed my way,

I tried to catch your eye,

But you waved me off,

You blew me a kiss goodbye.

Tom cleared his throat as he stared at me. I could barely make him out in the dark. "Lindy? Is it okay if we sing your part?"

I nodded and then, realizing he couldn't see me, I croaked out, "Yes."

Tom closed his eyes and began to sing my words.

Down the road today,

I saw you pass by,

Watching your parade,

With a tear in my eye,

I bid you final farewell,

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