The Edge

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Thirty minutes later, I collapsed against the couch, exhausted but laughing. We all were. I had challenged Hardyn to dance after dance, but he continuously beat me. And I was good. I’m not just saying that. I was literally the high-score winner among my friends.

Ryder and Grady escaped to the kitchen for yet more food. I really couldn’t believe how much these boys could eat.

“Wow, Hardyn,” I said as soon as I caught my breath. “You were right. You’re better than me. How many times have you played this game?”

Hardyn stared at the TV. Four faceless figures filled the screen, one of them representing Hardyn’s former position in his band.

“I’ve never played,” he said. “But I know that routine.” He grinned wryly. “Hours, days, weeks, months, of practice can kind of cement something in your mind and body, you know?”

He continued to stare at the figures, an unreadable expression on his face. Suddenly, he reached forward, grabbing the remote, and with a silent click, the screen faded into blackness.

“Did you like it?” I asked.

Hardyn shrugged with one shoulder, still not looking at me. “Yeah, there were parts of it that were really fun. I’ve always loved performing. But there are parts that aren’t so great. Just like anything, I guess.” He leaned forward, tossing the remote back onto the coffee table.

We sat in silence for a minute, both of us deep in thought. He broke the stillness.

“It’s a lot of work. You know that, right? It’s fun, especially if you love it, but it isn’t like, a hobby, or anything. There’s pressure and stress to get it right. I hope your brother’s ready for it. It changes your life, definitely.” I could hear the unspoken words, the ones he was thinking.

I hope you’re ready, too.

It seemed to scream out in the regained silence, echoing in my ears.

“Me, too,” I whispered.

“Hardyn,” Grady appeared in the doorway, laughing as he gripped the door frame. “Come here, you’ve got to see this.”

He rose and left without another word. I could hear their laughter and the distant sound of their voices, soft and unreal.

Later, the boys discovered the board games in one of the closets and we had a great time, staying up until late into the night. I lost my melancholy mood and joined in. I’m so glad that I did.

When I think of that night, I can still see their faces in my mind’s eye, filled with carefree fun and laughter. It was the only time that summer I would see them look so young and happy.

The thing is, at the time it seemed like it would always last. My only regret is that the other boys missed it, when we were still on the edge of the precipice.

Right before the fall.

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I'm thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the second book in The Faire Pendant Series, The Ballad of Captain Jack. Please visit my page at to see the newly released cover. I'd love to have opinions from my Wattpad readers!!!!!

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