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chapter 21

4:30 AM

Demi POV

I woke up the next morning to my alarm not sure about what happened last night or why I needed to be up this early. I'm usually only fully aware when I have a shower or a cup of coffee. I was about to get out of bed when I felt an unusual draft between my legs. I reached down to find that my panties and sweatpants weren't on me and that I was unusual wet. I got up and started to look for each of the items and they both turned up on the floor. I began to try peace together what happened last night.

"Hey babe, wake up."

I shook Alex roughly making sure she knew what I was going to say was important

"...wha-what is it?"

She said in her cute groggy and confused voice

"Did we uhm... you know... Have sex?"

I asked hesitantly 

"Oh, yeah, we did. Did you forget?"

She sounded kind of upset

"No, I just almost always have no recollection of what happens the night before."

"Oh well in that case its fine. Wilmer called you by the way. I wonder what you're gonna do about that."

She said faintly annoyed 

"I guess if he calls again I'll make sure to block him and I'll change my number for the fourth time. Wait, why'd I set my alarm up for 4:30 in the morning? This is right about the time I go to bed."

I asked very confused

"We're going to Charlotte."

"What for?"

"You have a show there. Did you not remember?"

"Oh shit, you're right. I completely forgot."

"Doesn't our flight leaves in an hour?"

 "Yeah, we have to get to the airport in about a half hour right?"

"Unfortunately I believe we do. Fuck, I hate waking up late."

We both got up quickly and started getting dressed. We didn't have time for much personal hygiene besides the usual tooth brushing and deodorant check over. We started grabbing the few things we had and packing them into my one suitcase. We had made sure my tour manager called a cab early enough so it would be there by the time we were done.


"Am I kind of dumb for not getting on the tour bus and driving up there with the rest of my crew?"

I asked hesitantly

"You told them to no wait on you but no, you aren't dumb. Now put some pep in your step, we have to grab our stuff out of the trunk if we want to try to get some breakfast before our flight."

We saw a few paparazzi at the entrance and inside. We made our way out of cab and into the airport as quickly as possible trying to avoid as many of them as possible.

"What do you want to eat?"

Alex asked kind of anxious and a little nervous.

"Im not sure, lets just get something from Starbucks."

We went in and Alex ordered some regular coffee with 4 pumps of vanilla and cream with a bacon, cheddar and egg  sandwich and I ordered an Iced Caramel Macchiato with a sausage and cheddar sandwich. We made our way trough security and sat down. I looked over at Alex

"Now that I remembered what happened I can honestly say that what happened last night was so fucking hot. I really enjoyed the way you-"

"Babe stop, we're in pubic."

She said cutting me off before I got into the raw details.

"Well someone's shy but fine, I'll stop. You're lucky people are around if not I'd say it out loud and in great detail."

Alex blushed at the words that came out of my mouth. She looked shocked and rather embarrassed. 

"Aww, look at how cute you are when you blush."

"Stop ittt, I'm gonna go back home if you keep doing this to me."

"Fine, I'll stop but only because I want you to come with me. If we weren't in public I'd be bugging you so hard right now."

"Well I'm glad you chose now to bring it up."

She said playfully

"Yeah well I won't forget this, you watch out later."

We heard that our plane was now boarding so we got up to make our way to the terminal to start getting on our plane and took a seat and that started  our hour long flight to Charlotte.


Hello you guys! I'm really sorry for not updating in almost a year. I feel like I truly need to apologize for that. Life has just consumed me to the fullest this year and I rarely have alone time. Anyway, thanks to all of you who came back to read this chapter and welcome to all of you new folks! I hope you guys still supporting me after being gone for such a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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