House Special #3

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Sorry this is a REALLY late update.

This is kind of a filler since I felt I needed something quick and kinda cute but I'll post twice tomorrow.

One in the morning and another later on in the day.

Thank you for waiting <3


Chapter 8

[Demi POV]

"So, you guys want to go out to lunch?" I offered

"Sure" They all said

"Where should we go eat?" I asked

"I'm in the mood for Chinese but I'm up for anything else." Alex said looking at me

"Does anyone else have any suggestions?" I asked

The mumbled after a minute and they shook their heads.

"Alright Chinese it is." I said

We all walked outside an into my all black Chevy Tahoe that we used to get drive places secretly. We all had a little conversation on out way to the nearest Chinese place. I was holding Alex's hand the whole to make her feel a bit safer because she seemed kind of tense the car ride there. We arrived at the Chinese place and we all got out of the car and walked into the restaurant and sat down.

"Sit next to me" I smiled at Alex as I patted the seat next to me

She gladly say down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder while we waited for the waiter.

"Hi, my name is Tom and I'll be your waiter for today. Here are you menus. What would you guys like to drink?" He said politely. He was about late 20's or early 30's. Brown hair and brown eyes. He looked hispanic but I wasn't sure.

"I would like water please." I said

"May I have Sprite with a wedge of lime?" Alex said

"Coke please." Sam said

"Water, thank you." Naomi said

"Lemonade please." Janice said

He wrote everyones orders down as said "okay I'll be back in a couple of minutes after you guys have looked over the menu."

"Okay, thank you." We all said

"Hmm, I don't know what to get." Alex said thinking as she was looking at the menu

"Me either, everything looks so good." I said

"Oh, this looks good. I might get this." Alex said pointing to the Sesame chicken with Lo Mein noodles

"I might get the same thing as you to be honest." I said smiling at her

"GIRL LOOK AT THIS SOUP. IT LOOKS SO GOOD." Sam said flamboyantly

We all laughed at how flamboyant Sam was. There was no point hiding he was gay because he couldn't help it. Besides, there's no point in hiding that you like the same sex. Your friends will love you for you and they'll realize being gay isn't who you are, it's simply another part of you. Like your eye color or your skin tone.

"I bet the whole restaurant knows what Sam is getting." Janice joked

I laughed a bit louder on that than I should have but what are you gonna do?

Our waiter arrived soon after with our drinks and asked what we wanted.

"We both want the House Special #3." I said replying for Alex and I

"I would like the wonton soup with a side of Lo Mein noodles please." Sam said

"I'd like the House Special #8" Janice said

"And I'd like House Special #4." Naomi said

"Okay so I have 2 House Special #3, wonton soup with a side of noodles, House Special #8 and a House Special #4."

We all nodded and our waiter took our menus.

"I'll be back with your food."

"Thank you" we all said

We sat around conversing while our food arrived. Once it arrived we began to eat. Me and Alex fed each other a couple of bites and played around a bit. After we finished we payed the bill, left and go into the SUV and drove back to the arena

My Love Is Like a Star ((Demi Lovato lesbian fan fiction))Where stories live. Discover now