CH. 3 Meet Kevin

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Hello dear all :-)) Here is chapter 3 of "Tricks of Love" and hope you'll enjoy it, let me know! Love to read your comments and messages,  you're amazing fans and readers!

Thank you very much to all of you for your comments!!!

Now the story between Jasper and Dima properly starts and we jumped right inside it, meeting the first rival, a new and quite bold classmate.

Dedicated to all Jasper's fans and in particular to MaestrolzeleoKun, who has started writing a story as well and it's very nice!

On the right, a picture of Kevin --> Nicholas Hoult

Enjoy xox

JASPER POV: 3 Months later

I walked to Travis’s locker, because I couldn’t wait to see him and hear all over again what he told me yesterday, when we met late in the afternoon. He came over my place, all giddy and super excited, not able to stay still for more than a second and said he had something fantastic to tell me. Oh boy, was he hyper and jumpy; his eyes were sparkling more than usual and the smile on his face was almost blinding. My best friend was clearly over happy about something and I knew it sure involved Alex.

My mother greeted him politely and coldly as usual; she sort of liked him because of his mother, but “like” wasn’t the right word. Any time mother would meet one of my friends, my blood would freeze, because I was overly nervous about what she might say. Travis never really cared about that, he tried his best to ignore her hypocrisy and pompous manners just for me; he didn’t need to tell me that, it was clear he was doing it for me. Lucky me, so far mum hadn’t say a wrong word about Alex, because otherwise I wasn’t that sure Travis could keep his cool. Boy, he was so in love with him. And I still couldn’t believe what he told me yesterday.

Apparently they had some sort of fight, uhm, argument…don’t know how to say it, because Travis said that they made up in less than three hours and after, uhm, well, you know after what, Alex asked him to go live together during college. Boy, that was incredible; I was so genuinely happy for my best friend, because it was clear as the light of the sun how crazy they were for each other and how deeply they loved each other.

Alex was actually a very nice person, uhm, well, when you could pass his super glacial and scaring attitudes. Uhm, he was nice with me, though and I came to like him very much.

Travis was there with him and Derek, a smile immediately colored my face, and I jogged over there, surprising him by jumping on his back.

“Cutie, so happy to see you.” He cheered, grabbing my arms around his neck to nuzzle his cheek on mine.

“Hey Travis.” I hopped off his back and he hugged me tight and still smiling from ear to ear.

Boy, was he happy and in love. I sighed, thinking how amazing this had to feel, but I didn’t exactly know, because I never had a proper boyfriend or never really liked someone that much. Uhm, well, now there was someone I liked very much, uhm…a lot more than very much. Yep, a huge blonde and funny Russian guy that reminded me of a nice and comical grizzly.

Yep, I sure was quite lost for Dima.

“Jasper, I saw a moment ago Dima and he told me to ask you if you can wait for him; I think he has something for you, don’t remember what. He broke his phone yesterday, so he couldn’t send you a message.” Alex told me, now hugging Travis tight from behind and slipping his hands in Travis’s jeans pocket. I slightly blushed, because those two together were irresistible.

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