CH. 4 Not his type, right?

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: WickedKalin

Hello :-) So here comes chapter 4 and it's under Dmitri POV...hope you'll enjoy it, because Dima sure is a funny guy :-D We have also a new POV at the end ... I'm sure some of you will appreciate it.

Hope you'll enjoy the chapter, thanks for all of your wonderful messages and comments, you make me smile every single time! Let me know what you think of this chapter, thanks!

Dedicated to all of Dima' fans and in particular to Kam61799, cause I'm sure she'll like it and thanks darling for your message and comments!

On the right an amazing banner/cover Klovis made for me: <3 you!

And now...enjoy xox


Man, that Texas guy…Kevin whatever, he sure chatted a lot and it was quite annoying to see how he wanted to stick so damn close to Jas and didn’t realize how that made him uncomfortable. And anyhow, who the hell was he? He just transferred here in January, if I remember well, and stuck to my friend as glue. Give him some space, will you? It’s not that I was irritated or didn’t want for Jasper to meet and make new friends, it just somehow annoyed me the fact the cowboy here took too much confidence with him.

And “eye-candy”? C’mon buddy, just talk normally.

I wondered for a moment if that guy could be Jasper’s type of guy, because he never really told me what kind of dude he likes and I had no idea. My eyes shifted to Walker Texas Ranger and studied his pale face; how can someone coming from Dallas be that damn pale? He wasn’t anything special; sure he had some muscles, blue eyes and probably girls would like that smirk he continually had on his mouth, but all in all nothing extraordinary. So, nah, he couldn’t be his type, right?

I shifted my eyes back to Jas, now talking with him and don’t know, he was smiling. But he wasn’t his type, right? Or was he? Nah, couldn’t be. They didn’t match at all, right? Right man, I mean, Jas needed someone less annoying and bigger than him. Don’t ask me why, but I always thought he would be good with someone big and protective of him, that would take good care of him. Don’t get me wrong, Jasper wasn’t a defenseless kid and the fact he wasn’t tall or bulky, but cute and sweet, didn’t mean he was weak or frail. He actually had guts and was someone always ready to stick for his friends; I liked very much that side of him.

I asked him a stupid question, to be honest. I just realized after few minutes that it was sort of moronic of me to ask him such a thing, considering how shy and timid Jas was; but somehow I was curious to know and didn’t even know the reason. I mean, I knew already he didn’t have a boyfriend or anyone; since he told me about that bastard of Anatoly, we became really close friends and spent lots of time together, and it was clear he was relaxed around me, so he would talk more about himself or his stuck-up family.

Man, I was so glad my parents weren’t such snotty people; that would drive me nuts.

Somehow it was cool he had no boyfriend, because it meant we could spend as much time as we wanted together. I liked being around him and not just for the fact he was another Star Wars geek and appreciated my jokes, but because he had that quiet and patient air, which gave me the chance to talk as much as I wanted and I knew he wouldn’t mind. Jasper never really talked for hours, but he sure got better since the beginning, when he was sweating bullets whenever I would simply greet him. Yeah, why was that anyway? It’s only recently that he has sort of relaxed down, but sometimes he would still shift his gaze away or suddenly blush.

Man, was he cute when he blushed! I had to restrain from going and pinching his cheeks, which I am sure would freak him out even more. Or his dimples whenever he smiles openly and free. Every time I wanted to poke them and see if his smile would get bigger. I like people smiling, but not the fake ones, and his smiles were always genuine and spontaneous.

Tricks of Love (Second Book of &quot;Fire and Ice&quot; series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें