CH. 5 New degree of bright-alarming red

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Hello dear all :-))) Here is chapter 5 and hope you'll enjoy it!! Sorry for the long wait, but as I said my family was over to visit me.

Here is introduced another new POV and let's see what you think about it... Let me know, love to read your comments and messages and actually, want to thank you all for that and sorry if I cannot answer to all of them!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Nesa_1234, thank you for reading and commenting, you're super sweet!

On the right, a lovely banner made by JUURIKURAN

Enjoy xox


“So cutie, you are going to his place?” Travis smirked and then winked in his usual way.

“Uhm, yep, he asked me and couldn’t refuse it. Boy, it’s always like that with him, I can never really refuse him anything.” I leaned back on a locker and observed my friend storing away some books and then checking on the back on his i-phone if he looked amazing.

That made me giggle, because Travis sure was vain, but not in a bad way.

“Hmm, so you cannot resist him and refuse him anything? That’s very interesting, but I am sure I can give you a couple of advices to how make him not able to resist you…” He played with his piercing and I probably blushed at hearing that.

“Boy, Travis…you know me and anyway I don’t see the point here.” I sighed and remembered Dima was straight. “He’s straight and you see him as well flirting with girls in schools.”

“Hell, he’s straight like a hockey stick, Jas. He actually doesn’t flirt at all, he just enjoys them flirting with him, because he’s a dense moron. Did you miss how jealous he acted before?”

“Jealous? Uhm, Travis I think you just see things..” I shook my head; Dima couldn’t be jealous of me, probably he simply didn’t like very much Kevin.

My best friend just rolled his eyes and closed his locker. I knew he had dance practice today and Alex was going with him. I observed him for other few seconds, thinking about what he told me, but uhm..jealous? Dima? Nope, that couldn’t be possible. Boy, sure, he didn’t like very much my classmate, but that’s because Kevin was very open and overly free and had nothing to do with jealousy. It took me as well some time to get used to him and I still wasn’t used at his attitudes, but he was a nice person and at least now I had someone to talk to during classes and somehow that made school less difficult. I wished Travis and I had classes together, that’d be uhm, fantastic as he’d say, but he was older than me.

I suddenly jumped out of my skin when I felt fingers on my sides tickling me. Oh boy, I couldn’t resist tickling; I was overly sensitive with that.

“Hey Jas, you ready?” Dima asked, looking from above with a grinning and bright face, still pocking my sides and still having me giggling.

“Boy, stop it…” I chuckled, trying to pull away.

In the motion of pulling away, my hand touched his and somehow our fingers connected. I almost shivered at his strong and warm grip, my heart began to beat faster; uhm, it felt so good and I blushed like mad when I realized I wasn’t letting go of it. Automatically I struggled to get free because I was liking the touch too much, but boy…he kept there and kept tickling me.

“Wow, you actually are super ticklish, how funny is that?” Dima was laughing and that made me laugh in return, but I knew my cheeks very bright red. “Not letting go, Jas!”

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