EPILOGUE: The Lucas-Denisov family

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Hello dear all, as promised today I am posting the epilogue of "Tricks of Love" and with this the story will be completed.

I don't want to say anything about this, aside that I wrote what I felt right to be in the epilogue and I really hope you'll enjoy it and I'll be looking forward to reading your comments and messages. I will miss Jasper and Dima, but we'll still hear from them.

Now, I want to THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH for keeping with me and this story from CH. 1 till the epilogue and want to say you have all been amazing and gave me great support and energy!!! THANK YOU!!!

Dedicated to all of you! And, Jasper and Dima INVITE all of you to their wedding :-)

On the right an amazing banner of Jasper and Dima's family that Maria231000 made for me: thank you so much, because I totally love it! xox




Since the day I asked Jasper to marry me during our vacation in California with Sasha and Travis, three years and a couple of months already passed and I could no longer wait to have him as my husband. We kept living with our families during the whole time, as I completed college and got engaged by a rather cool hockey team that wasn’t too far from New York and so it allowed me to travel back and forth. It wasn’t exactly nice to be separated that much from my kitty, as he was still studying and actually he decided to take a master in Financial Economics to then work with his father, but we both were doing what we loved.

And playing in NHL was a blast and I sure freaking loved it.

The pace and the rhythm were crazy and really fast and the clashes were nothing like those little brats-like brawls we had in high school or college; in there the sh!t was real and man, they were freaking huge beasts coming against you and crushing you on the ice or against the barrier. Often we had to stop the game just for a fight, as it was common in a game. Good God, I loved it! It was sort of strange to play against my best friend and my other friends, since Sasha went for another team and same for River. Hayden had been in my team for a while, but then The Rangers called him as second goalie and well, I hoped to play with them too, you never knew. Like the old days, know what I mean? That’d be awesome.

Sasha had actually been engaged by The Rangers this new season and he said it was weird to have his father as coach, but bet they both kicked ass; he was now living with Travis in a cool apartment not far from their families and I think I never saw him so damn happy and satisfied. I knew he was planning to ask Travis to marry him very soon, but he said it wasn’t the right time yet. No idea what he was waiting for, but Sasha sure knew what was best and it might had to do with the new position of Travis as first male dancer. Right now he was training a lot for a new performance they were going to present at the beginning of next year and you wouldn’t believe it, but the crazy dude didn’t change much. He still had white-bleached hair, tongue piercing, horny like usual and swearing now with a rather amusing British accent.

But he saved me from this madness and had fun in driving nuts my future mother in law with his cursing; man, he really didn’t change one bit.

Damn, right now I was rather nervous though, and I glimpsed at my reflection in the mirror, studying the black bow-tie of my tuxedo, thinking it didn’t look fine. Crap, why I picked this stupid thing? Couldn’t I pick the normal tie? Oh damn, can’t fix it…Jasper would know how to do it, but of course I was not allowed to see him until the ceremony began. I wanted to see my kitty so much that couldn’t stay still and honestly, couldn’t wait to cross the threshold of our new apartment and have him all mine. And all night…hmm…my future hot and sexy husband all night long…thinking it would be the normal, being with him every day of my life gave me sudden shots of euphoria.

Tricks of Love (Second Book of "Fire and Ice" series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang