CH. 23 In the eye of the storm

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Good afternoon dear all :-) As promised yesterday, today I am updating this story and we have a rather long and intense chapter and I guess with a couple of hints that some of you will appreciate very much ...

Hope you'll enjoy it, let me know what you think, because you all know how much I enjoy reading your comments and messages, and let me thank you for being such wondeful fans and readers!!! Bear-like hug to all of you!!!

On the right, a lovely banner klovis made for me, thanks darl, I love it! <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Meira11 as a super thank you for reading and commenting all of my stories! xox

The song, well, got obsessed with that song today and listened to it while writing and thought it was perfect for this chapter, plus... I loved the movie!



His words kept going in circles in my head like a broken disk and the more I repeated them, the more they felt real.

Dima missed me and so did my family and old friends.

I couldn’t believe it, it couldn’t be true, because I was aware of the way I behaved and acted; how I treated all of them and how I kept distance, betraying their trust and feelings, turning my back at them, making sure to behave in the worst way possible. I got so much into the part that it made me forget the fact it was an act and not reality, the fact that it was me getting away and distant and not them.

I forgot and got lost.

They never really hated me, but that was because they knew nothing.

That’s right Anatoly, snap out it and stop playing the little princess part. They knew nothing about the disgusting and sick person you were. What would they say if they found out I was in love with my own twin brother? Oh well now, not so sure they’ll be so missing me. But was I still in love with my brother? I had no idea, since years passed and they were years in which I tried my best to have them hating me, because that was what I deserved.

Not love, but hate.


Apparently I forgot about many things.

I didn’t want them to love me since I was wrong and sick. My brother trusted me and there I was lusting for him, hating the stupid girls hitting on him, because let’s face it; Dima has always been the idiotic dofus that attracted girls’ attention just with his grins and moronic bluntness. I always envied in him that trait, so open and carefree. But I also loved him for that. How wrong was that?

I deserved hate and hell; didn’t that person tell me the same? I think he did, but couldn’t remember now the correct words. That person…I silently cursed and cringed in my head. Stop it there, Anatoly, don’t be a pussy and man up. For sure it wasn’t love from them that I deserved.

Another dry and humorless smirk lifted my lips and my body felt so damn tired and exhausted. Like my mind and everything in me. Damn, I was so tired of everything.

“What the hell are you laughing about?” Dima asked me, probably thinking I was making fun of his words. I think I never saw my brother so worked up and mad; no wait, he was that mad the morning he punched the hell out of me for beating that kid, Jasper. Who thought, that morning, that things were going to change so much? My brother turning into a complete mushy fag had been quite the shock, believe me.

“Nothing.” I just said, avoiding his stare.

“What do you mean nothing? You have nothing to say now? First you come over here and say a load of crap and then you simply smirk and have nothing to say?” My twin brother was again losing his temper, which was strange, because I knew him so well and it was almost impossible to bother him. Well, almost.

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