CH. 26 Brownies plus cream

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Hello dear all, so as I said yesterday, today I am updating a chapter of our kitty and tiger and I really hope you'll enjoy it, because it's rather long, full of emotions, with 3 POVs and well ... you'll see. It's long, but I see you are amazing and enjoy long chapters... THANK YOU!!!!

Let me know what you think with your comments and let me give you all a huge bear-like hug!! :-)))

On the right a fanstastic banner Klovis made for me and I think it's perfect for Jas and Dima, thanks darl, I love it <3 ... Purva194 dear, what do you think? ;-)

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Jessael as a thank-you for your comments in all of my stories, it's amazing, thanks!

NB: Shout-out in my author's chit-chat, so pay attention to it :-) Thanks!



I sat a moment on an armchair to simply look at my love having a great time with our friends and talking right now to Jess and his man, that Andrews guy. I was still pissed at him and it would take me longer to accept him, but I understood what Travis meant and why he decided to get along with them. My amazing boyfriend understood my view and said he loved me even more for that and that he loved this side of me; I chuckled and shook my head. I sure wasn’t all buddy-like with them, but I tried to behave less icily and I sure never told Travis to stay away from them or got mad.

That would be just so idiotic and pathetic.

I might be jealous and quite possessive of my man, but I sure wasn’t going to order him around or monopolize his time and life; my love was an extremely strong-willed and determined person and as well very enthusiastic, traits that I loved in him. Of course I tended to be overly protective and jealous, he knew that and loved it, but what can I say? We were just perfect for each other and being with Travis only brought me crazy happiness, love and warmth in my heart. River told me he had noticed I behaved slightly less icy and distant with some people, but he specifically underlined the “slightly less” part and yeah, he was right. Well, you cannot completely change your nature, right? You can improve it and sure Travis had an amazing effect on me.

I looked at Dima and thought Jasper had the same effect on him. Not that my friend was like me, absolutely not. Dima was much better than me when it came to relate and socialize, but he had never been serious about anything aside hockey and now he was calling River his future brother in law, so you get what I am talking about right?  My eyes stopped more on my love and damn it, he looked to lose my mind and I felt the need to just take him senseless for hours and so the beast inside me. Oh well, I had few ideas for tonight and bet he was going to love them. Jasper looked at me and smiled and then came over here.

“Hey Alex, resting a bit?”

“Yeah, resting a bit before they drive me nuts. You know how they can be sometimes, right?” Jas giggled and nodded.

“Oh boy, they are crazy, especially Travis and Derek and oh boy, now with Kevin and Jess it’s even crazier.” I chuckled as he was right. Jess was a clown and another hyper person, whom combined with someone like Derek and Kevin, well, it would really drive you nuts. “Hmm, Alex?”


“Uhm well, thank you for today. I know you did a lot, even without having to ask Travis and Dima, so thank you. I’m really having a great time.” He smiled warmly and I smiled back. Yeah, he really was perfect for my buddy.

“No worries Jas, you know I’d do anything for my Travis and my friends.” Jasper blinked at hearing me saying that, as I just called him a dear friend, as that’s how I considered him.

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