Coast to coast

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What's so great about living my life,absolutely nothing. My names Janelle Mavis and I'm sixteen ,the year is 2056. I'm a nobody at my school nothings good about being a nobody except for having some friends who are also nobody's. I'm passed out laying in bed when something heavy is on my foot "leave me alone". I pull the covers up and soon enough my face feels slimy "ahh Max why lick me,bad dog". The dog gets off the bed and I look at my clock "damn it I'm late" I get off my bed fast and start to look through my closet. "Ooh maybe I could wear this oh wait I wore that yesterday,what about gross I hate that shirt". Instantly I pick up a shirt throw it on and put my varsity jacket on,grab some pants and I run to the bathroom.

"Makeup makeup where is my makeup" I rummage through my drawers and soon enough the door of the bathroom opens "DONT YOU EVER KNO-is that my mascara". My little sister stands in the doorway using my makeup to make black streaks in her hair. I rip it from her hands and slam the door shut,I look at my hair and it's a mess but ill brush it in the car. My makeup looks good but my mom hates it she thinks I look goth but I don't,oh well. I tie my sneakers,brush my teeth,grab my backpack and my instrument and wait right near the door. I wait for my mom to get ready and I think to myself 'I hate you ,Robert Berkley you are such a-' "JANELLE" my brother who is three years younger stops my thinking. "What do you want Hunter?" He looks at me and says "oh nothing,I just can't wait until dad forces you to marry Robert Berkley you know just three more years and then your there" I push his face away from mine.

We both get in the car and I go to my high school and watch as my brother drives away with my mom to go to his middle school. "Hey baby,what you say me and you g-" "get lost Robert I hate you,I have to like you when my parents are around" I say and walk to my friends but before I can get there Robert grabs my arm "now you listen to me I ain't going to be blown off by my girlfriend" "I'm not your girlfriend I'm forced to date you and you know that" he grabs my other arm and that's when I kick him in a place that isn't so pleasant. He gets pissed and grabs me by my waist "you are not going to do this to me,not in school" he pushes me up against the wall and starts kissing me ugh as usual. Of course my dad picked me to date some rich guy who just likes to kiss me all day. The bell rings and Robert hadn't let me go like he normally does "umf" my mouth makes as I turn my face and he says "what now". " the bell rang I should be in class by now" he looks at me and smiles "calm down I have everything taken care of now just let me kiss my girlfriend" "ack" he slams his mouth on me again but for some reason he grabs my legs and his other hand grabs my neck and he picks me up bridal style. I squirm as I try to take his hands off my neck forcing me to kiss him and then he lets me go from his lips. "HELP!!" I scream and then he shoves me in the trunk of his car,my arms and legs scatter around the trunk searching for a opening but there isn't any and the latch had been broken off. I tried to scream but I knew nobody could hear me and there was nobody around,I sit In the trunk listening to Robert and hear hi. Turn off the radio and begin to talk on the phone.

The car ride begins to get bumpy, I sit in the car and the next thing I know is the car hits a bump,my head slams on the top of the trunk and I black out. When I wake up I'm in a hotel room in a chair still tied up,"good morning beautiful"Robert says and then he makes me get in the trunk again. As we're driving I hear him on the phone again "Ok I have her-" I can't listen because a car behind me had its radio blasting. He turns to the left and I hear him again"don't worry we're on our way,I better get my money's worth" it goes silent "what does it matter if she's hot,yeah yeah she is,ok". My mouth drops and I begin to freak out. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" I stop and I listen again "that's not going to be a problem,Asher?" My nose scrunched up in confusion and I listen "that freak will take money instead of a girl,no!,she's to weak to kill anyone". Who in the world is Asher he sounds like a jerk he's probably one of the people in this. "Ok,I'm here,see you in a second,bye" the car stops and I hear him open his door. No no no, don't open the trunk "get out here ah-" the moment he opens it I punch him and jump out of the trunk but I become tackled by him and he ties my hands behind my back and slips a burlap sack over my head. "Here she is" I hear Robert say "what's her face look like"I feel Robert take off the bag and I see a man with brown hair and is about 5'11. "You weren't kidding about her being pretty"he grabs my cheeks with one hand and pushes them the closest they can get to each other and looks on each side. With me being the idiot I am I pull my face away and spit on him, he slaps me and Robert puts the bag back on my head. "Where's my money"I hear Robert make a sound "mmhm".

Robert pushes me and I'm thrown in the backseat of a car, the man starts the car and were driving but I know I'm not alone in the back." Do you know where your going" I stay quiet and he starts talking again "welcome to the other side of the country" my eyes feel like there bulging. "Why am I here,WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" he stops and says "I'd think you would notice me, Tanner Salazar" " were the one that killed tried to kill my little sister" he begins to laugh "of course,I knew you remembered me". I want to strangle him but at that time he gets out of the car "why am I here". The world is split now I'm on a different border,he owns the east coast and some other guy owns where I live. He pulled me out of the car and then I'm on a boat,I hear the motor of it and then after thirty minutes it stops. My bag is ripped off and I see I'm on a island filled with different types of land. "You want to stay alive?" I can barely choke it out "y-yes" "then save yourself,and I wouldn't get off this island without knowing whats here and what will happen to you if you get off" he goes on the boat and before he turns the motor on he says " here's what I can tell you, try to stay alive,and be noticed as little as possible". He leaves and I sit there on the beach noticing there's a paper the freak Mr.Salazar put in my pocket " you will know when your time will start". I look around and notice a voice "Welcome this is Tanner Salazar the people from the west coast may not realize what this is so I will explain" oh great I have to still hear his idiotic voice. "If any of you from California have not realized it yet some of the people in your town may have went missing". Exactly why did I deserve this "we have wanted revenge in the west coast and with that we put you 4 two teenagers and two children,whoever the east coast that lurk in the west decide to kidnap for us,in here against us now have fun east coast as usual"

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