Chapter11: Wanted

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"Why are you choosing to leave the country"

"We're going on vacation to Las Vegas"

"You don't look old enough to gamble "

"Our parents are there and were meeting them at one of the casinos"

"Two teenagers and two Children"


"Go on ahead"

I wake up to two people having a conversation and then the car keeps driving past a huge fencing with police everywhere. When the gate goes out of view I hear Hunter and Emma Cheer extremely loud and I slowly sit up "morning Janelle" I look at Asher through the rear view mirror and he winks at me, such a ladies man. I climb into the passenger seat and I look at myself in disgust in the mirror "Asher I look like crap I need to do something about this" I pull at my greasy ass hair and my ripped tattered clothes. "We'll find somewhere soon I promise" I kept looking out the window and saw nothing but dirt and a long straight road "where even are we?" "Texas almost in New Mexico". I look at the dials in the car and turn on the radio to find a radio station that plays music instead of stupid news. Emma distracts me and before I could change the station Asher grabs my arm and listens to the Radio.

"Be on the look out for two 16 Caucasians, 1 thirteen year old Caucasian, and one 7 year old reported to be running from East coast's president Tanner Salazar. Sixteen year old Janelle Mavis From the West Coast came into the East coast and threatened Mr.Salazar's son to come with her or she would kill him. Janelle Mavis is considered Dangerous, she has killed Molly Smith, Robert Berkley, and Miranda Mason. Do not approach The suspect call 9-1-1 if you have any information about Janelle Mavis. She has brown wavy hair,wearing a teal tank top, brown eyes, and is 5'7. Asher Salazar is 5,11 brown hair combed up and pushed to the right and to the right side, blue eyes,is wearing a dark blue shirt, and has a Metal dog tag necklace hanging around his neck. A thirty thousand dollar reward goes out to the people who can connect us to their whereabouts or bring them in. Thank you and have a blessed Day".

"We need to get out of these clothes fast"

"We have no money"

Asher looks at me with a devilish look and pulls out a huge wallet full of money "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" He smirks and tells me about how he pit pocketed the two men who were holding him back when I was being put on the boat "you're so bad". We get into New Mexico and stop at a small gift shop, we pick up a few shirts, sunglasses, pairs of jeans and shorts, Asher grabs a new necklace, shampoo,and I grab hair dye. We drive to a hotel and actually pay for a room this time, I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I pull out the hair dye that's a dark brown and start putting it on my hair "I hope this works" I sit in the bathroom and after 20 minutes I can literally hear Emma pounding on the door "hurry up and let them take a shower! They are teenage boys I'm dying of the smell of puberty!" I jump in the shower and wash my hair and it feels so nice to finally take a shower after not having the time to take a shower for who knows how long . I slip on short shorts and a black crop top with a white bandeau and walk out combing out my wet hair "hey guys". I walk in and lay on the bed and Asher is staring at me "whatcha lookin at it's me" he shakes his head and snaps out of his trance "I'm gonna go take a shower" he takes a pair of black pants and a white shirt and walks into the bathroom. Emma stands on the bed and begins jumping "we're going to see mama soon!" She fell on the bed and I looked at her "don't make to much attention we need to look normal so Tanner won't find us. Asher comes out of the bathroom and he's wearing this white shirt with orange,yellow,red, and black print on it, he's got black jeans, his hair to the side like always, and a new necklace that looks like a shell in the shape of a curved 'S'.



"You look nice I mean nicer than usual"


I glare at Hunter with eyes that say I'm going to kill him and he falls off the bed

"Sorry about him"

"It's fine and you look good too"

"I'm tired I'm going to bed"

I fall on the bed and Emma cuddles up with me and yells at Asher "go with Hunter" and she sticks her tongue out at him and I smack her on the head "don't be a little shit" We all turn out the lights and then I start passing out again and soon enough it's morning. "I did not get enough sleep god dammit" I get in the car and Asher laughs and puts something on the door handle of the hotel room. "What was that" he laughs and drives off and Hunter and Emma are talking about mom "my dog tag" I roll my eyes and put my teal sunglasses on "good idea" I watch Asher out his black sunglasses. I turn on the radio and start blasting music and dancing in my seat, Asher smiles at my goofy dancing and I point at him in shock.


"You're smiling!"


" Never thought I'd see that!"'

"Oh shut up it's not my first time smiling"

Instantly my head is jerked forward by the car being hit in the rear "Emma,Hunter, Buckle up"were slammed again and the car spins into the dirt "FUCK". Asher slams his head on the steering wheel and someone opens the drivers door and pulls him out "ASHER!" He's thrown on the dirt and someone starts punching him "It's Tanner!". I jump on his back and start choking him "you little bitch get off me!" He slams me on the side of the hummer and it gives me a concussion. My back hits the sand and I begin to get dizzy "I'm done with you're shit Dad, Don't touch her!" I see Asher grab Tanner and punch him in the face and slam his face on Asher's knee. I push myself off the ground and jump into the passenger seat again "ain't so tough without you're little guards!" Tanner starts getting up and kicks Asher onto the floor "you're just a little boy you can't do shit". I look through the car to find anything to hurt him with and finally see a pocket knife which isn't much, I yet again jump on his back and stab him right in the shoulder blades. "AH" Tanner falls to the floor and I help Asher up. We jump into the hummer and speed off.

"Damn girl, Hit him in the shoulder blades"

"What was I suppose to do You were getting hit"

"You're pretty good at using knives"

"I like throwing them"

"Well shittt"

All we see next is a big sign that says in big bright flashing letters


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