Chapter 9: Ransom

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"What's going on?!" "JUST STOP THE DAMN CAR ASHER!" Asher slams on the breaks and I see Emma and Hunter in the car with Tanner. I see Asher grab his ear and I look at him with suspicion "what are you doing" he digs in his pockets and pulls out this device with a flashing green light and this buzzing sound. "The tracker" ;I look back at Tanners's car and he points at me and his ear. I grab the tracking device and slowly put it up to my ear "hello Janelle" I hear Tanner say from the device "don't hurt them" I say and I hear his horrible laugh. "What do you want I'll do anything"

"What do I want? I want you"

My eyes go wide and Asher looks at me worried "what did he say" I don't answer and slowly try to get out of the car but Asher locks it. "Dammit Janelle don't go" I pull up the door lock and get out of the car "JANELLE". I see my brother and sister hop out of the car and hug me "get in the car now" I say to them and walk up to Tanner's car.

"Get in the car"

"Can I tell him to go"

".....fine, but make it quick"

I run up to Asher and he hugs me "what's going on" he says and I look at the ground "he has my family I have to go with him or he'll kill them" I pull back but he grabs me and pulls me back. "He'll kill you anyway Janelle" " I know but I might be able to at least keep you, Emma, and Hunter alive". He goes silent "I know you don't want me to die but if he kills you he'll still kill me, you need to go" I look at the ground "well shit Janelle where do I go" Ash says " find my family and get them somewhere go". I go back to the car and Tanner sits there looking at Asher get in the car "what are you doing?" I stare at Tanner and he looks at the car "Janelle" Tanner says and I look back out the window "what". Before I can look at him he puts a folded piece of paper In my hand "give this to Asher and Don't look at it or I'll kill your family". I look at the paper and think of what could be inside it.

"Go and give him it" he shoves me out the door and Asher meets me outside the car door "what is it?" I hand him the note and he stares at it before opening it. He unfolds it and begins to read the note while I'm looking at his eyes going right to left reading it.


I watch as Asher screams and instantly I hear a loud gun shot and I duck thinking it was coming for me. I wait a few seconds and notice I'm fine and so is Asher, then I hear a scream. I run to the back of the car and see my brother lying there bleeding and I scream with tears running down my face. Emma's to young to know what has just happened so she's just freaking out because I'm crying and pounding my fists on the seat in anger. Hunter sits there screaming and Try's to gasp for air. He screams and claws at the seats like it will take away the pain but it doesn't, Asher holds me but I push him off screaming "DONT TOUCH ME!!" I scream and cry and suddenly I'm the only one screaming now. "HUNTER!" I shake him trying to get him to wake up but he won't, I fall on the floor of car and suddenly Asher pushes Emma in the car with me and slams on the gas pedal. Emma sits there hugging me saying "Janelle what happened, why won't Hunter talk to me".

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