Chapter8: Police

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I think for a moment basically freaking out and then it comes to me,I pull out my gun and I shoot the tires of the van making it become flat and stop. Tanner's car begins to come right in front of ours and a man in the back of the Mercedes points the gun at Asher "duck!". I can't see what happens but I see a bullet go straight through the seat and I begin to scream "ASHER!" I look at the drivers seat and I see him with his head ducked below the steering wheel. "HEAD FOR THE EXIT" he turn but as he does I hear Asher scream and the car begins to sway and then go out of control. My body clings onto the seatbelt as the car goes off the exit and flips three times on the ground.

Asher moans and I slowly slide on the ground out of the car with my back having a piece of glass in it.I go to Asher's side of the car and I look at him and I see him lying there with blood running down his forehead. "Ahh WAKE UP!" I break open the window by kicking it and I unbuckle him and pull him out of the car "wake up". I begin to cry and then I don't know why but I slap him. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU"I hug him and he squirms out of it and pushes me away "we got to go I'm driving"he says and gets up "your not driving you look horrible". We both get up and go to a nearby motel and sneak in by picking the lock "exactly where do you learn to pick locks and Hotwire cars"I look at him and don't answer because I'm not proud of it. I fall onto one of the beds and look at the ceiling "were never going to get away from him"I say and a tear runs down my cheek but I wipe it off. "You don't know that, we could live" he lays beside me and tears begin to flood down my face "I'm gonna go to bed" he gets off and goes to the other bed and I lay where I am.

"No,no,no get off me I'm just her friend I only have to classes with her"Tanner gets on top of my friend Jordan and begins to stab him till he's a bloody mess and records it with a camcorder. He goes inside the band room where Jordan was heading and drags Jordan's dead body in with him "OH MY GOD ,JORDAN" he goes up to my music teacher and shoots him in the head making him fall to the floor. The dream progresses and my best friend Brittany walks in the room "I can't go to the choir concert Mr.W'u...." And she's gone. My other sister that wasn't taken is walking in the school when he grabs her stabs her in the head and the color red stays in my mind repeating the word "death" "die" "dying".

When I awake it's two in the morning and I notice the window broken by a rock and then I hear a splash come from the pool outside. I turn my head and Asher isn't in the room,I run out and there they are Robert in the pool and Asher on the cement dripping wet and then he pulls up Robert and punches him in the face. He tried to grab Asher but I pull Asher away before he does and he sinks into the water drowning because one of his legs and arms was cut showing the bone from an unknown reason. "See what I did to Robert"my mouth drops and Asher flips the knife around his hand before putting it in his pocket.

"Are you cut" I say shaking him on the shoulders and he looks confused "why would I be"

"I...I don't know I'm just a little but worried how he would know where we were". It stays and he looks at the floor and back up "I'm going to bed" he goes to the room and I stand there looking at Robert and I see this green flash come from his pocket. I go to his body and I reach into the pocket to pull out a phone and on the screen it shows a Map with a green dot blinking where we are. "What?" My finger taps the dot and it begins to show our room and the camera videotaping is going up and down slowly and I realize its breathing. "There tracking Asher".

I stand there and I hear police sirens and the lights come into distance and park right where I am "you killed him come here"I'm slammed into handcuffs and shoved into the back seat. "Hey let me go I didn't kill anybody if I did you wouldn't know about it" I scream from the backseat and They begin to drive off. I sit there looking at the road out my window and immediately on the radio I head "911 A Man is trying to kill his son apparently, I'm sure it's nothing just go check on it" I begin to scream. The police listen to the radio and don't pay attention to the road and slam on the breaks making a car slam into us and push us down a hill. The car tumbles and slams into a low tree stabbing the two men in the police car. "Oh my god,shit!" I slide over to the crack window and kick the glass and slide out. When I get out of the car I open their door and grab the keys to the handcuffs, when I get them off I run to the front of the road and a car pulls up in front of me "get in the car he's coming" it's Asher. I dive into the car and I look back to see Tanner and I see a figure in the car with him "STOP THE CAR!!!!"

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