Chapter5: The Voices

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Knowing I have anger issues Asher grabs both my arms "MAX ,YOU DOG!" Wasn't my usual thing I screamed but I did have a dog named Max. Max goes and grabs my arm and pulls me away from Asher "what the hell" he pulls me trying to get me to the shore "Max leave her alone"Asher runs up and I punch Max in the face. "Look I don't want to hurt you"Asher says to Max and I slam my nails into his neck "holy " he lets me go but before I can run two guys grab both my arms. "LET ME GO" I try to get my arms out of there grasp but it doesn't work,the two guys were full grown men in suits and then I hear a familiar voice "so you do want to die Asher" Asher faces him and the man is right behind me. "She didn't do anything wrong ,don't hurt her" Tanner walks to Asher and puts his arm around him "now you can't talk to her,you need to kill her,you two are from different areas" "HE'S FROM THE WEST COAST LEAVE HIM ALONE".I blurt out and then keep my mouth shut and then Tanner comes up and slaps me in the face,the way he slaps me is different then someone else ever could.

Blood runs down from my nose and Asher tries to run up to me but two more men in suits come in and grab his arms making him defenseless."do you want me to hit her or you?" Tanner says to Asher and Asher mumbles something "what!?" Tanner says sarcastically "I said hit me" he goes and punches Asher in the face making him have a black eye. I stand there and then Tanner takes out a knife "her or you?" Before I can say anything Asher notices my mouth is about to open "me!" He takes the knife and puts it up to Asher's face "no god damn it, TANNER YOU CAN DIE IN A HOLE"he stops and turns back to me and then to Asher. "Asher I have something that's just going to kill you on the inside.....put her on the boat"Asher starts trying to get out but he's stuck "no DON'T TOUCH ME" the two men pull me back and then somehow Asher gets out of the two men's grasp. "Don't let them hurt you"he says and I'm becoming scared "just don't let them kill Emma or Hunter"he nods and then I'm shoved in the boat. I sit there and Tanner looks at me "how did you know where my son was from"I don't answer "he's not your son"he grabs me by my neck "how did you know!" With the little air I have I say "hide your 'sons' scars next time and make sure nobody's around when you kidnap someone" .

He drops me on the floor and I'm gasping for air "why are you doing this to Asher" he looks at me and smiles "I don't want Asher,I didn't need Asher,Asher is a normal boy"my face begins to look confused. "I went to the right house, I did want Asher but then I also had a eye on a girl" Tanner says "my sister" he looks at me with a huge grin "I was going to raise her as mine but then little miss sunshine has to hit me where the sun don't shine with a bat". "And then I realized there was a little girl who already had courage and could take care of herself and I want her and I still do" I stay quiet "you"I don't know what happens to me but I begin to lose it "YOUR THE DEVIL,YOU CAN HAVE ASHER BUT I WILL NEVER LIVE WITH YOU" I spit on him as a term of disgust and he punches me and he begins to smile. "What?" I say in an angry tone but before he can get a word out I push him off the boat since he's sitting on the edge "TAKE THAT ASS HOLE" they stop the boat and pull him in the boat and I'm punched three times in the face and cut in the arm and my vision gets hazy. My eyes close and I'm sleeping for maybe a hour or two,I wake up and I'm in a tiny gray room with a twin sized bed and a tiny wooden nightstand next to it.

I search around the room and notice a tiny tv in the corner and no doors or windows "just great" I sit on the bed and for some reason I have voices screaming in my head "ITS HER OR YOU" "I DON'T NEED ASHER" "I DON'T WANT ASHER". "Asher you going to kill someone from the west coa-OH MY GOD" I scream as I hold my ears closed but it doesn't stop the noise "I'm not your friend it's not my fault your boyfriends trying to kill you" "morning beautiful"I fall onto the bed holding my ears and screaming "I just can't wait until dad makes you marry Robert Berkley"."LEAVE ME ALONE"I scream at the top of my lungs and then I pull back my hand from my ear and notice whats on my hand,blood. What's wrong with me and suddenly the voices stop and my head falls on the pillow "thank you". I look on the nightstand and I notice a remote that has buttons labeled one through fourteen, the power of the tv goes on and I press the number 6 and its static so my finger hits the number 2 and I see the tv I'm looking at and in that tv it's the same and it goes on and on. "What?" I flip to another channel and its blank,another,another,another and then I see Asher in a room almost identical to mine except no tv and he lays there on the bed able to see his back until he turns over. There's a knife laying on the right side of his chest the opposite of where his heart is,he groans and I notice the bed has a pool of blood "oh Asher" his dad says and comes in somehow and Asher sits up "what do you want" Mr.Salazar comes up to Asher and sits on the bed. "I SAID WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT" Tanner pulls out a recorder "I want to show you something"he presses a button on the recorder and I hear something familiar and I begin to cry "YOUR THE DEVIL,YOU CAN HAVE ASHER".

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