Chapter4:The death sentence

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"MOLLY" I see Asher run to her and hold her head in his lap and he becomes teary eyed, Emma runs toward me and hugs my leg but I don't look at her I have a straight face looking at Molly and Asher. "Please,oh please don't die,I love you" I grab Emma from my leg and hold her still not looking anywhere but Molly's body and I stay quiet. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" he slaps me but I don't care "hey don't slap a woman"Asher turns around and Robert is there "you've got to be kidding me" Robert looks beat up so much but grabs Asher and lifts him off his feet by his neck choking him and I begin to walk away. "Hey"Robert says angrily "don't you care I might kill him" I turn back around and notice he drops Asher "" he smiles at Asher and stabs him in the leg the same way I was but slides it down his leg. He screams in pain and Robert punches him nine times in the face making his eyes close "care about him now" he drops Asher to the ground at his feet with a busted lip and possibly a black eye. The truth is I do care about Asher but the more I make it look like I do the more he's going to hurt him "no" I turn back around not wanting to because the more I don't look the more ideas of what Robert is doing to him comes to me. As I walk back to Hunter I feel like a jerk he could be dead and it would be my fault "hey why are your eyes red" I let down Emma and I know I'm a bad person "I got to go" I run back knowing I shouldn't have left him.

When I get there Robert had grabbed the backpack that was on his back and taken out rope,he tied Asher's arms and legs and was dragging him by the rope. I follow Robert and watch as he goes up to a girl with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes and starts talking to her "he's been helping the west coast"he says "oh god so he's going to die"she says and smiles. "Take him to Tanner I got Janelle and her family" "MAX" a kid I guess Max comes and grabs Asher from Robert and Robert takes off to find me. The leaves on the ground make a cracking sound behind me and when I look there's Emma and Hunter "why are you watching them"I don't answer and I begin to follow the girl. I feel like such a stalker but he made sure I didn't die and I'm going to do the same for Asher, the boy drops Asher on the ground and its dark by now "he's suppose to leave tomorrow I'm going to find Janelle". The boy leaves and the girl sits next to Asher and I can tell something is totally wrong with this girl,she looks at Asher and presses her lips to his cheek "Molly took you from me" what the hell. Asher wakes up and begins to freak out and I'm on the verge of laughing "Janelle why are we here" Emma whispers "Miranda get off of me" Asher says as she has her hand on his stomach "leave me alone"he says as he tries to squirm out off the rope which is tied to him and the tree. "Scream and I'll kill you right now"She puts a knife up to his forehead and slowly slides it down to his cheek and he winces.

I can't watch this anymore I feel horrible just not doing anything but without having my knife I have no weapons "Janelle" I turn to Hunter "kill both of them there from the east coast". Somehow I get in an argument with my brother "I don't have a knife!" "Because you throw your knife like a idiot!" "HEY ASSWHIPE" before I can see whats happening my mouth is dropped in shock. "Emma?" I turn around and I see that Emma had just screamed what I heard and she's in the center of where Asher and the girl Miranda are. Miranda starts walking towards her with the knife and I'm about to cry my eyes out until I notice the strangest thing happen "get back there ,blondey" she holds out a gun and my mouth drops like everyone else "you don't know how to shoot a gun"Miranda says and Emma throws it to me. "You aren't going to hurt him,he's been hurt enough" she laughs and I don't want to use the gun...,its to quick, I run up to her and shoot her in the arm making her drop the knife. I run up to Miranda and take the knife shoving it in her hand straight through and then shooting her in the leg "I'm not killing anyone today" I walk up to Asher "still mad at me?" He shrugs and I untie him. "Look I'm so sorry I ever did that to Molly I just wasn't thinking I'm so sorr-um...."before I could finish my sentence his lips are pressing mine and I'm just confused but I'm slightly happy.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!" My brother tackles Asher and holds a knife up straight in between his eyes "Hunter get off of him" he gets off Asher and I hug him "we're leaving" I say into his ear and I can feel him nod. I release him and Hunter,Emma,Asher,and I begin to walk "so you were the one Janelle was with when she was gone"Asher nods and we stop because its night by now. "Well I'm going to stop here maybe we can figure out how to get off this island tomorrow"Hunter says and lays down and Emma does the same "I'm not tired" I say and look at Asher. "Too much has happened today for me to sleep right now" I look at the cut in his face "are you ok?" I say a little worried and as usual he shrugs. "Come on"he gets up,I grab his hand and walk over to the pond I saw yesterday and he sits there and washes the blood off of his face "thanks I would of been dead or kissing Miranda by now" it stays quiet and then somehow we both are kissing each other and I feel great until we both fall in the water. "Oh god my hair"it's not that I don't like my hair wet its because its down all over my face "here go back underwater and fix it" I do but I didn't exactly have anything coming,Asher went underwater and kissed me. "You are a very strange boy,your giving me mixed messages"he gets back to sitting on the edge fixing his wet black hair "I don't want to like you,I'd have to die or kill you but" "but what?" "But I can't kill you and if I'm going to die I want to know I'm with a girl I like" I smile a little bit "I'm not going to let you die".

I sit next to him and kiss him "it could be my last day if they find me tomorrow" I smile "then we'll live like we're going to die young" he goes and lays down and is looking at the sky and for some reason I go closer to him soon enough I'm hugging him and I'm drifting off to sleep with my arm around his waist. "Janelle" I'm to tired to answer "Janelle"still not answering "JANELLE" "what"I say in a groggy voice "we can't fall asleep here someone will find us" "oh ok"for some reason I'm just not getting it and my head falls to the ground again with my eyes closed. My mind remembers me as a child laying in my front yard playing with my brother when across the street I see a boy my age being dragged out of his house by a man with white skin and brown hair. He's being shoved into a car while he screams and screams and his head with brown hair gets slammed on the window and blood becomes smeared on it and the cut from the impactmakes the shape of a X on the side of his head. I remember he walked into my house and tried to take my two month old little sister and I was so afraid,my brother didn't know what to do and neither did I but I was stupid enough to try something. My arms grabbed the bat I had from playing baseball with my brother in the yard and hit the man,when he dropped my sister I ran away with her. The man had problems, he grabbed the little boy and blamed it on him and choked the boy until he passed out and then drove away.

My eyes open up and I'm breathing heavily and I'm laying just the way I was last night,next to Asher, and I look at his hair noticing something's wrong. Without waking him I take my hand off of him and lift up a piece of his hair to show a scar in the exact shape of the little boys and my heart feels like its about to break ."Asher"I whisper and he slowly begins to wake up "yeah...". My eyes look up and then back to him "why is there a scar under your hair" he stays quiet and just turns to his side and continues to sleep. My face is facing his back and I notice something on his back, "Asher" he turns back "what?"he says obviously not in a good mood. "What's on your back"he looks to the side trying to think of a lie "just a few cuts from Robert"I know this isn't true. "Hey Asher you got to kill someone from the west coa-OH MY GOD"that kid Max comes walking in and his eyes get wide when I make eye contact with him "now I know this looks bad but-" before he can finish the boy tries to throw a knife at me but misses.

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