Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

All I could do was stand there. Stand there frozen in place on the sidewalk, just staring up at the hospital in front of me, as if it were a nightmare brought to reality. In a way, it was. All of this was a nightmare that had been brought to reality against all of my wishes. It was the day that I never wanted to come. The one that I had been trying to avoid, wishing to never come, and now it was here with full force. There was no airbag for today. No way to ease the harsh and traumatizing impact that had hit me this morning like a train going full speed.

Today marked two months since Amelia had received the phone call from Derek.

Just under two months since I had picked up and came to Seattle.

Two months that I had been working my ass off in one of the hospital conference rooms.

Two months since Mark had slipped into a coma.

Just hours before he was due to be taken off of life support.


"Morning Dr. Howards." Brooks greeted me when I finally made my way into the building, after standing out front for over an hour, just staring at the hospital.

"You're not with me Brooks, go find someone else to annoy." I kept walking past her as I spoke, heading towards the stairwell. All I wanted was to be left alone to face the truth of what was going to be happening at five o'clock this afternoon. I gripped the cup of tea tightly in my hands as I walked into the stairwell, relieved to find it empty. I sat down on the top step and took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind.

It felt as though everything around me was going fast as I just sat there, as if the world was set to fast forward while I was only at normal speed. The past two months had flown by in the blink of an eye and I hadn't been able to accomplish anything that I had wanted. Mark was still in his coma with no improvement. Abby was seventeen hours away living with one of my friends instead of me. I hadn't seen her in two months except for the few times that she had Skyped me, wanting to make sure that I was okay. In just months she had become the adult and I had become the child. Everything in my life was a mess and it only seemed to get worse with every passing day.

"I thought I'd find you here." I jumped slightly at the familiar voice, not having heard anyone enter the stairwell. I glanced over my shoulder to see Avery standing there, a coffee in his hands. He gave me a weak smile as he walked over and sat down at my side, resting his forearms on his knees.

"Usually people hide out in the stairwell in order to be alone." I commented.

"Today's not a day when anyone should be alone." He shook his head as he gazed down at the ground.

"Today's the kind of day when people end up left alone." I frowned at my own words, hating the truth that laid behind them.

"What was he like back in the day?" His question surprised me, causing me to look up at him again. "Before he moved to Seattle?"

"He was Mark." I shrugged, not knowing what else to really say. "He was a jokester, but was nice and caring. Way too overprotective."

"How long have you known each other?" He asked.

"We met when I was eighteen." I thought back. "I graduated from high school early and was about to start my sophomore year in college. I went to tour Columbia's medical school and I slipped away from the group and ended up running into him. After that he just took me under his wing."

Mystery Girl: Grey's Anatomy Fan FictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant