Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"What the hell are you doing here?" Bailey's eyes seemed to zero in on me as soon as I walked through the emergency room doors.

"Excuse me?" I asked her, unable to keep myself from giving a small chuckle at her bluntness and the confusion that seemed to fill her eyes.

"It's your day off, what the hell are you doing here?" She repeated herself, still looking at me as though I were crazy. "You should be at home or something, not here in the hospital."

"Call me crazy but I didn't feel like spending an entire day in my small apartment. I thought I'd come in, see if there was anything I could do around here." I shrugged. "Besides, my apartment's depressing."

"Crazy." She muttered under her breath as I continued past her and headed for the elevator.


Nearly an hour after I'd gotten to the hospital I found myself walking into the NICU, having no patients of my own to check on at the moment. Glancing around I saw a little more than a dozen babies covered with wires and tubes, nervous parents surrounding some of them, dressed in thin pink trauma gowns, like the one I had slipped on myself before I came inside. At my entrance though two people glanced up, a man and woman who had been talking to one another, a smile stretched across the man's face.

"Is something wrong?" The man asked me, a nervous look shining through his eyes that contradicted his smile.

"No," I shook my head, trying assure them both. "My name's Bria Howards, I'm a doctor here. It's my day off, but I thought I'd come in, help out in any way that I could."

"How far along are you?" The woman gave a small smile as she glanced down at my swollen stomach.

"Six months." I told her.

"Do you know what you're having yet?" She asked.

"A boy." I smiled as I walked over to where they stood besides an incubator that held a baby boy that looked to be a few months old, hooked up to a few tubes and wires but not as much as other babies seemed to be. "Is he yours?"

"Mine." The man told me, his smile only seeming to grow as he looked down at his son. "His name's Rhys, I'm Noah."

"Yeah, we're not together." The woman explained as she walked over to an incubator that was a few down from Rhys's. "We just both have kids in here, we lean on each other. My daughter, Samantha, is right over here, I'm Laura."

"Well, I'm sure Rhys and Samantha will both be home before too long." I assured them both as I felt my stomach knot, unease seeming to fill me as I stood there, surrounded by sick babies, dying babies. "What, if you don't mind my asking, is wrong with them?"

"They both need new hearts." The man told me, his smile faltering.

"Who's presenting?" I glanced towards the doors as Yang led Edwards and Murphy into the NICU.

"I guess I am." Edwards gave a small nod as she stopped in front of Samantha's incubator. "Samantha Morgan, three months old. Born with idiopathic neonatal cardiomyopathy. She's currently status one-b on the heart transplant list."

"What did I miss?"Noah asked, glancing between the three of the them nervously. "Is there any update on a heart?"

"I know how hard it is to just sit here and wait. But sometimes that's all we can do until a heart becomes available." Yang told her.

"Seventy-seven days." She told them. "That's how long she's been on the list already. But who's counting, right?"

"She'll get a heart." Noah assured her. "I know she will."

Mystery Girl: Grey's Anatomy Fan FictionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara