Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

{Avery's POV}

"Here you go," the woman handed me my cup of coffee. She flashed me a smile which I assumed made other men swoon coupled with her good looks, but I barley registered it. I walked over to the table where Alex, April, and Meredith were sitting as they ate their early lunches.

"-And Derek won't tell me a thing about her!" I caught the last part of Meredith's rant as I sat down across from here and next to Alex.

"Who is she talking about?" I took a sip of my hot coffee.

"The girl from Sloan's room visited Shepard yesterday too." Alex informed me. "Apparently they were talking when Meredith came to his room and she was quick to get out of there."

"All he'll say is that she's an old friend." Meredith added as she stabbed her salad with her fork.

"Maybe she used to bump noses with them back in New York?" Alex smirked. April choked on her sandwich that she'd been eating while Meredith slapped Alex and I just watched them all.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought the same thing as Alex. Mark certainly got around before and after he came to Seattle and didn't really stop until he met Lexie. The others had told me stories of what he was like before Seattle Grace and Mercy West merged and the only way to describe Mark then was as a man whore. There'd even been a time when the nurses protested against being on his service. I could defiantly see Mark and Bria having a fling when he was in New York but somehow I couldn't imagine her and Derek being together. Derek just didn't strike me as that type of guy; plus he'd been married to Addison before coming here and she'd been the one to cheat, not him.

"What's your theory pretty boy?" Alex asked me. "You're the one that's actually had a conversation with the chick. What'd she say?"

"Just that she's a pediatric surgeon." I told them the little information I'd gotten out of her. "I tried to figure out where she worked but she told me it was none of my business."

"Struck out huh?" Alex gave me a smug look. "Guess she only likes the older guys."

"We don't even know how old she is Alex!" April spoke up.

"She doesn't look older than an intern," he pointed out before glancing over at the tables where this years interns were sitting for their own lunch. Looking at them I had to agree, Bria did look younger like them. "My bet is that she lied to Jackson to make sure he didn't have anything real to try and track her with."

"She stitched herself up," I reminded them.

"I didn't say she couldn't be an intern somewhere." He shrugged.

"Maybe she's just a friend like she said, why are you guys so determined to figure out who she is?" April questioned all of us. "She might not even be hiding anything. You all might just be driving yourselves insane for nothing."

"If she was a friend then why didn't Mark or Derek ever mention her before?" Meredith countered.

"What the hell?" Alex cursed softly. We all turned to see him staring at something. I followed his gaze to see that it was on Bria but she wasn't alone. She was talking to Webber and both of them looked serious about whatever it was they were talking about.

"Why would Webber be talking to her?" I asked no one in particular.

"I think it's time to talk to Shepard." Alex looked at each of us and it was easy to tell that all of us agreed with him. We needed to figure out who this chick was.

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