Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

"Don't you look all perky." Karev's voice dripped of sarcasm as he came up behind me as we all waited around for Hunt to start the mandatory meeting he'd called. I glanced over my shoulder to see Jackson standing next to him, a cup of coffee in each of their hands.

"You would be too if a crying baby kept you up half the night." I snatched Karev's coffee from his grasp, taking a sip of it. "Thanks for the coffee."

"That was mine." He pointed out.

"And now it's mine." I shrugged, a small smirk filling my lips.

"Okay, folks. Let's just start." Hunt called over all of us as he climbed the stairs, standing high enough for all of us to see him. "As many of you know, Seattle Grace Mercy West has suffered a financial setback. The administration is working hard to keep the impact of that setback as small as possible. To that end, we're gonna have to initiate some cost-cutting measures. The board has hired a physician advisor to help."

"What's a physician advisor?" Meredith asked from where she was sitting at the nurses' station. 

"Well, she consults on maximizing efficiency, streamlining processes, assessing where we can trim our budgets." Hunt explained. 

"Who to fire and when to fire them?" Bailey commented, clearly not happy about what we were being told.

"She's here to advise and to help." Hunt cleared his throat. "I was hoping to introduce her in person, but she seems to be late."

"Oh, on her first day?" Yang spoke up. "Not very efficient."

"You can expect to see her in the halls, in your labs, in the OR." Hunt spoke over the laughter that Yang's comment had made. 

"So we're gonna have an accountant following us around in the ORs? Derek frowned.

"She's not an accountant." Hunt clarified. "She is a trained surgeon. Frankly, she is here to try to help us."

"Oh, okay. Help us, right." I muttered under my breath.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Hunt finished, stepping down from the stairs as everyone began to disperse, going back about their day. 

"Are you okay?" Jackson asked me when I turned back to face him and Karev once more, the latter still seeming to be sulking as he glared at the coffee cup in my hands. "You seem like you're-"

"Bitchy." Karev provided.

"Out of all the words in the English language, you choose bitchy?" I raised a brow at him.

"Seemed to fit." He shrugged as he snatched his coffee back from me. "And get your own coffee."

"What a gentleman." I rolled my eyes before looking back at Jackson. "As for your question, I'm fine. I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night, or the day before, or in the past month."

"That's why I don't want kids." Karev commented, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Are you sure you don't have one already?" I raised a brow at him. "Because from what I've heard, it wouldn't be a surprise if one of the interns here had a bun in the oven as we speak."

"Shut up." He snapped at me as Callie and Derek made their way over to us.

"What are you two still doing standing around here?" Callie looked between the two men. "Karev, you're supposed to be seeing your patient with Robbins. Jackson, don't you have a patient of your own?"

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