Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

{Derek's POV}

"Wouldn't dream of it." Bria just shook her head in amusement before slipping out of my hospital room without saying anything to the others who watched her departure. She wasn't out of the room for a full ten seconds before Meredith piled into the room with Jackson, and Alex. They closed the door behind them, making sure to lock it.

"Why do I feel like I'm about to be murdered?" I tried to joke as I rested my head back on my pillow so I was looking up at the ceiling.

"Derek?" I looked over at Meredith at the sound of her voice. She was now sitting on the edge of my bed with Jackson in the chair next to the bed and Alex still standing over by the door. Each of them held curious expressions, I knew just what was coming.

"Who's Bria?" Meredith questioned me.

"She's just an old friend of mine and Mark's from New York." I told her the same thing I'd told her before but I knew it wasn't going to be enough this time.

"One that neither of you ever mentioned?" She frowned.

"We haven't talked in a while," it was the truth, on my side at least. It seemed as though Mark had been keeping in touch with her after all this time, he'd always been closer with her though and for good reasons.

"Then why did she come running to Hunt trying to figure out where Sloan was?" Alex jumped in. "The only time she seems to be away from his bedside is when she's here talking to you. If none of you have talked for so long then why did she come running?"

"Why do you guys care so much?" I looked at each of them. "Why are you guys so interested in her?"

"Wouldn't you be interested if someone showed up looking for me and none of you knew a thing about him?" Meredith snapped at me. "Derek, you're my husband. Please just tell us who she is and why she's here if you haven't spoken to each other in years."

"It's not my choice to tell you or not." I looked down at my bandaged hand, mainly so I wouldn't have to look at any of them.

"We saw her and Webber arguing before she came here." Jackson informed me. Didn't surprise me. Bria had always had a temper and from what she'd just told me about her fight with her boss in New York, she hadn't gotten any better at controlling herself or holding her tongue.

"If you want to know something then you'll just have to ask her yourself." I sighed.

"She told Avery that she's a pediatric surgeon, can you at least tell us whether or not that's true?" Meredith asked with a tired tone in her voice. She always sounded tired now, with Lexie dying and Cristina and I in the hospital I knew she was having a hard time. Me keeping all of this from her was far from helping but I was telling the truth, if they wanted answers then they needed to go to Bria and not to me. Her story is hers to tell, not mine.

"The last time I saw her she hadn't chosen a specialty." I gave them a small spread of information. It wasn't like they could do anything with that, I wasn't confirming or denying what she'd already told them.

"I'm going to see Cristina for a little bit." Meredith shook her head as she stood back up and walked out the door with Alex and Jackson following shortly behind her. Before he left though Alex paused in the doorway and looked back at me, therefore also blocking Jackson.

"Can you at least answer one question for me?" He raised a brow at me. I just gave a half shrug as an answer as I rested my head back against my pillow, already exhausted even though it wasn't even two in the afternoon yet. "Did you ever tap that?"

"Get out of my room Karev!" I sent him a glare. He just smirked before hurrying out of the room with Jackson.

Sometimes I really wanted to kick that guy's ass.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!!! I'll try and update again soon with a longer chapter next time. What do you guys think so far?

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