The White House- Chapter 4

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Okay, finally uploaded the next chapter. I just want to say thanks to all the support; it has been out of this world and beyond anything I would have imagined so thank you. I couldn't have done it without you guys!!!

I am sorry to say that this is a filler chapter. However, every story needs them. 

Enjoy :P

<-------------plus don't forget to vote lol


Chapter 4

 Mom, Courtney and I made it to the shops just before lunch. There were hundreds of people milling around like ants swarming around a nest; rushing to get all their shopping done as quickly as possible. This immediately made me feel claustrophobic - I hated large crowds.

“What exactly are we shopping for?” I asked Mom, looking at her with suspicion.

“Clothes dear; I though I made that obvious before.” She gave me a sharp look and I immediately felt stupid.

“But I don’t need any more clothes,” I argued, looking at all the boutique stores glimmering under the sun, just waiting for you to walk in and spend a fortune.

“Honey, you are going to be in the spotlight for the next year. Don’t you want to look pretty?” She enquired, giving me a confused look, obviously bewildered as to why I didn’t want to splash some cash.

“Are you saying I don’t look pretty normally?” I teased, running a hand through my hair and trying to look mortally offended. It didn’t seem to fool Courts though because she was trying to stifle a giggle.

“What? I didn’t mean that; you are beautiful, in pretty clothes or not.” She said, flustered.

“You are obliged to say that, you are my mom.” I said, waving my hand away, lifting my bag up onto my shoulder again because it was beginning to slip. 

“The fact that every guy in a ten metre radius is staring at you says otherwise; despite the fact you are in you slack jeans.” Courtney added, looking at me smugly.

I glared at her, bringing my hand up and lightly tapping her on the back of her head. “You are supposed to be on my side Courts, not helping my mom. Besides, how do you know that they are not looking at you?” I challenged, folding my arms across my chest and shifting all my weight onto one foot.

Courtney sighed, muttering something inaudible under her breath. “Let’s just head to the shops.” She finally muttered.

“Fine,” I said, confused as to her sudden change in mood. It is not often that Courtney isn’t ecstatically happy or flowing with an endless supply of energy; so I was perplexed as to what had brought on this change.

We entered the closest shop, gasping at the interior. Everything was polished immaculately and the clothes hung on gold racks with metal leaves sprouting out the ends. This was a seriously upmarket store.

“Mom, are you sure we can afford this?” I whispered, my eyes widening at the shop attendants who were glancing at us disapprovingly.

“Yes dear. The Keyes gave us some money in order to allow you to get some new clothes. They wanted it to be a way of saying thank you. Your father and I didn’t want to accept the money, as we are helping them out as friends after all, but they wouldn’t take no as an answer.” She frowned, obviously thinking over last night.

“Have you seen the snobbish looks they are giving us?” Courtney muttered, tugging on my arm slightly and indicating towards the attendants.

I snorted, “Looks like they don’t think that we are wealthy enough to shop here.”

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