The White House- Chapter 18

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AN: New chapter. Again, I am not a professional, so there will be mistakes in grammar and spelling. 





 "What! No, no, no," I all but screeched, thinking in panic about the fact that I would now no longer be able to go out in public without being mauled.

"Patience, you really confuse me, you know that? Most girls would be over the moon to get stardom overnight. You're going to be the person that everyone wants to befriend, to talk too..."

"I don't want that. Don't you see? I hate being in the centre of things," I moaned, refraining from catching Kasper's questioning gaze.

"Sweetie, this had to happen some time. You didn't expect to keep it a secret forever did you?" she enquired, the tone of her voice disproving.

"No, not forever, but I was enjoying the time that I had with out all the hassle. Now I have to be escorted and take care about what I say. It will be a nightmare."

"Only to you. Remember, you're the one who agreed to do this in the first place Patience."

Groaning, I leant forward and hit my head on the dashboard. "I know, that is what is making this so much worse. If only David wasn't the President."  

"Hello, I am here you know," Kasper interposed, irritation smeared across his features. "No need to talk about me and my father when I'm sitting right beside you."

Embarrassment overcame me and I bit my lip nervously before I said, "I'm sorry Kasper. They found out about our relationship, Courtney just told me."

Kasper did nothing but quirk up an eyebrow, the majority of his concentration still on driving. "And?"

"Don't you see? It means we actually have to act like a couple - all the time."

"Stop being a snob," Courtney told me down the cell, having heard what I had just said to Kasper. 

Feeling my mouth open in surprise, I gasped. "What? Courts, how am I being a snob?"

"Open your eyes for once. Think about what Kasper has done for you?"

"And that would be what?" I said hotly, rubbing a hand over my eyes because I was beginning to feel increasingly exhausted, and it was only early in the morning.

"He gave you the opportunity to go to Stanford. Not many others can say that and he can't be all that bad."

Snorting, I kept my eye on the lines trailing past me on the road, trying to brush of the idea. He was bad, very bad. That thought brought a sudden surge of butterflies to my stomach, my head snapping imperturbably to look at Kasper. Okay, he wasn't that horrible, he just seemed to get under my skin, that was all, but I was never going to admit that I was maybe warming up to him, slightly, to anyone. 

"Patience, if you don't get a grip of that stubborn side, then you are going to get nowhere in life. So just get past that prejudice that you have against him and move on. It will make things easier for the both of you and then you can use the situation to your advantage."

Sighing, I reluctantly nodded my head, before I realised that Courtney couldn't actually see me so I quickly replied with a positive down the phone. She was right to some extend. I had been nothing but mean to Kasper and I could tell that he was trying. He seemed to genuinely care when I walked home from the hospital and despite my childhood and scepticism I was beginning to believe that maybe what he told be about never hating me was true, that he had just been teasing. That didn't change the matter of fact that I didn't like him, but I knew that I was beginning to alienate myself from others in doing so, and the only way we were going to pull this off properly was to at least act like we loved each other. It would be hard, but it seemed a lot more achievable than it had all those weeks ago.

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