The Mistake

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Hiya!! Welcome to the first chapter of Mafia Mistake. Hope you all enjoy the introduction! By the Way, the girl above is the main character Alessa. ( For now take away the nose piercing) Enjoy! Xx
"How many pins did they place in your hair Ali?" I asked my aggravation reaching a new high, while I plucked hair pins from Ali's champagne coloured locks, each strand falling back into there original place as each pin was removed .

The amount of pins placed inside her hair was excruciatingly annoying , as the number never seemed to be decreasing .

"I don't know , next time ask my stylist," Ali replied tiredly while ideally picking lint from underneath her freshly manicured nails.

Sighing, I pulled out the final pin before throwing it into the clustered pile on the makeup counter.

Ali quickly racked her fingers through her wavy thick locks , getting it back to its original form.

"Thanks Alessa. anyway moving on, did you see that totally hot model that came in today ?" Ali exclaimed quickly swivelling her seat to look at me , an excited expression plastered on her face, her almond shaped blue eyes widening into huge saucers.

Ali, my best friend, as well as modelling partner. Could only be described as; outgoing, sometimes too outgoing if you ask for my opinion. Never shy nor anxious around new people, whether her company is wanted or not she launches herself into any conversation or diverting them to her 'personal' life.

Ali has long flowing champagne coloured hair , that rests just below her shoulders accompanied by too large almond shaped sky blue eyes. She stands at a short height of 5ft5, which she always gets teased about next to my 5ft8. But she is gifted with a body that would make anyone jealous. Probably the reason why she has guys failing at her feet. Sometimes I wonder if she should have been a guy. She is literally the definition of a fuck-boy, soul and mind. But that's why I adore her.

"You mean Eric? The new model from Britain?" I asked turning my head towards her , Ali only nodded enthusiastically before giving a squeal. Chuckling to myself I turned back to my large mirror.
I stared at my tired expression, the bright lights surrounding my mirror only extenuating my bags that were beginning to form underneath my eyes, I slowly started to remove the overdose of makeup used on my face. Practically scrubbing at my skin, causing some red splotches to appear in areas where I rubbed too hard.

"Fucking Eyeliner...", I muttered swiping in every direction possible to remove the black liquid from my face without looking like a panda, while the faint giggle of Ali sounded next to me, whether is was directed at me or her thoughts I did not know.

After finally removing my makeup and brushing out my hair, I left Ali in her lustful thoughts as I quickly threw away the makeup covered rag before quickly gathering my bag, phone and keys.

"Hun, as much as I would love to talk about your next sex life, its like the dead of night , my bed is calling my name along with a tall glass of Massetto wine accompanied with some Netflix." I said smiling, before quickly pecking Ali on the check and murmuring a quick goodbye before heading out the studio. Leaving Ali ,to no doubt , to do some snooping into the male models social media.

The humid air of Greece quickly, hit my face as I exited, it was late June and the weather was reaching its peak in the heated summer. The nights would become shorter and days became longer, parties exploded across the city during the night from illuminated streets in neon lights or a bass of a new song pounding down the streets.

To be honest I absolutely loved it.

After briefly checking my watch, it was officially 12am, I had started work from 9am this morning, and I was exhausted.

Mafia Mistake #Wattys2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon