Cold Shoulder

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Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy! Comment if you have any ideas on what you would possibaly like to happen in fture chapters. With that small intro, enjoy the chapter!

Excuse any spelling mistakes.

~Bella~ :-)


Alessa's P.O.V

My dreams were assaulted by the flashing images of the woman who was shot that night. The continuous replay of her falling body repeatedly running through my dreams, blood dripping endlessly, her eyes staring at me, yet they were lifeless orbs. The images Haunting me. No one deserves to go like that.

I had woken up continuous times in the middle of the night, my heart erratically pounding against my sternum, as if threatening to erupt out of my chest.

The continuous awakenings had left me shaken and sweaty. I would wake up in cold sweats, the feeling of beads of sweat trickling down between my shoulder blades only caused me to repulse, as strands of hair stuck to my forehead . By morning, my appearance could only be described as; a fucking hot mess.

Stumbling into my bathroom , I wearily stared at my zombie-like expression. Heavy bags hung underneath my eyes while my eyes themselves were bloodshot from lack of sleep, looking crazed and sleep deprived .My hair felt dirty and a knotted mess.

Sighing, I walked over to the large bath tub before turning each tap to run a relaxing bath.

After probably pouring an excessive amount of Radox Lavender Bubble Bath into the water, I slowly slipped into the warm water. Sighing as the warmth caressed my skin as it began to relax my muscles that had become taut from the continuous nightmares.

The bubbles covered the majority of my body as the lavender smell wafted up my nose, and slowly consumed my drowsy senses. Closing my eyes, I lent back in the bath, completely relaxing. And before I knew it my mind slipped into darkness....

Pounding sounded on my door while a muffled shout echoed through my subconscious. Slowly opening my eyes, my mind became instantly awake at the now cold water surrounding my body, causing me to shiver slightly.

"Alessa! Open up!" Angelo's voice echoed through the door while his fist continued to pound violently against it, making me flinch slightly.

"Hold up, I'm coming!" I yelled back, my voice slightly hoarse from being asleep.

Stumbling out the bath, I grabbed the white towel hanging from the rack before wrapping it tightly around myself, making sure I was covered. Well mostly.

How long had I been in that bath asleep? I thought while padding towards the nearly broken door Angelo continued to pound on.

Swinging the door open, Angelo froze in position, only to glance down at my barely covered figure, making me suddenly self-conscious on how much the towel actually covered.

"I'm here, no need to fucking freak out," I mumbled, shuffling awkwardly, not liking the way his eyes were roaming across my body.

Clearing his throat, his eyes finally met mine, but there was something different about the way he was looking at me, but I couldn't quite read that expression.

"Well I came to wake you up when it got to 11am, I entered and found you missing, when I saw your bathroom door locked I presumed you were in there, but when I knocked you didn't answer," he replied, his voice expressing no emotion.

I had gotten up for a bath at like, 7am. Wait, I had been asleep in the bath for 4 hours, and I didn't drown. Well that's a miracle.

"Did it ever occur to you that I thought you might have been dead inside that bathroom? That Bonado's men could have entered your room," he continued when I failed to reply, his voice was sharp casuing me the flinch back slightly, the sudden change in tone confusing me .

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