Betrayed Heart

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Continuing from previous chapter..

"Alessa-" Angelo's voice came but abruptly stopped, his eyes widening in a fraction of a second as he took in my trembling frame before him.

"Alessa," he began, his own voice cracking under the anxiety leaking into his voice," Whatever you heard is-"

"Wrong?" I finished, my voice coming out barely above a whisper as my hands shook against my face. Tremors wracked my frame, my mind unsure whether I could stand in fear of collapsing again. My mind became swarmed with conflicted emotions, I felt like I was beginning to be starved for air, my lungs feeling as if they needed more air. My heart pounded against my chest at an almost painful force, as if heartbreak was a physical thing.

I felt Angelo kneel down beside me, I could feel the regret rolling off him in waves of torment. My senses barely noticing him as I tried to calm my speeding heart rate and breathing.

"Alessa, please-" he began, his hand reaching out to touch my shoulder.

I jerked away from contact, as if it were hot iron to flesh, a burn. I shakily stood up, my eyes finally settling on Angelo who still remained on the floor, his eyes still trained and hand outstretched from where I was moments ago.

"You lied to me Angelo," I whispered, my feet taking a few steps back, his eyes finally snapping to mine, a waves of raw emotion surging through his eyes.

"No Alessa, I would never do that, please listen-" he began again, his dark brows furrowed in anxiety, deep lines tugging at his lips.

"Listen," I scoffed, stepping back further, a mechanical laugh tumbling from my lips.

"I've listened to you the whole time Angelo, I trusted you, I followed and relied on every word that left your lips," I said, my voice growing louder as my waves of heartbreak turned into a fuelled fire.

"I trusted your words Angelo, but now I start to doubt them, where they even real?" I trembled, my eyes glaring at Angelo's frozen figure only standing within an arms reach.

"Or where they another lie to get me to play your pitiful game?" I spat, venom lacing my words, Angelo flinching as if I had physically harmed him.

Silence rang through the air, yet I felt as if the whole room echoed with my rapid heartbeat. I stared at Angelo for what seemed eternity. My eyes scanning over a face that I couldn't bear to hate, one that had given me so much joy and love. It would be forcing my mind to hate such a man, but at the same time, I needed to get away, I needed space.

I needed time to collect myself...

No words were spoken, until I took a deep breath, my words were ringing out clear inside the heavy room.

"Angelo, I can't hate you nor despise you, you practically own my heart, " I began, watching him tense up at my comment, his eyes brightening for a sudden moment as he watched me silently.

"But, I need to think about this, the secrets, the damage, I feel betrayed," I breathed, my eyes wavering as I felt the familiar lump inside my throat form, tears threatening to spill, my mind near to giving in to his tempting gaze to stay. To forget.

Angelo opened his mouth to speak, but my tone quickly cut him off, fearing that his words would make me break.

"I'm not leaving us, but I'm leaving to give myself space and time to think, about everything, not just us, but my career, my family, and my own future," I choked, my legs trembling beneath my weight, feeling as if the weight of the world was suddenly slammed onto my fragile shoulders.

"Alessa please, don't do this to me, to us," Angelo began, his begging tone causing my eyes to cast away, fearing to fall into the enchanting blue orbs that I will always fall for. In the corner of my eyes, I saw his clenched fists, as if they were itching to reach out and grasp for me.

"Angelo, what you say may be true, but I need to think about how I feel about this, being part of an arranged marriage, but also my own future as a whole- our love," I concluded, my lip quivering as I finished my words, the painful ache of an empty heart resounding within my body. I felt so suddenly fragile, like a china doll, easily hurt and broken, and prehaps never to be fixed.

Tugging at a loose strand of hair, I mulled over my delicate thoughts, attempting to swallow the large lump before speaking. "I'll go back to Greece, back home, to my career," I paused glancing up at Angelo, his world seeming to have shattered into shards of glass, his eyes reflecting one of a lost child.

"But, I just need to think everything through.. Please," I whispered, my eyes casting down to my hands, my vision blurring as I felt wet tears stream down my cheeks in a river of torment and sadness. My heart felt betrayed, I needed my time to consider what I'll do, I know I couldn't live a world without Angelo, but I was doubting whether his love for me is true.

"Ok," he mumbled, my eyes snapping up in sudden surprise as I watched him walk towards me, a grim sad expression plastered across his usually exuberant features. Adding age and pain to his complexion.

His arms wrapped around my body, squeezing tightly as if it were the last time he could hold me like this in his arms, even in such a situation. His face nuzzling into my hair, my body too frozen in pain and sadness to respond. His lips finally pressing a delicate kiss to my forehead, a soft thumb brushing a stray tear away.

"I'll wait as long as it takes, Alessa," Angelo spoke, his voice no longer wavering, but held a strong confidence behind his words. "But I won't let you go as long as I walk this earth, I'll come find you if I have to, but you're not slipping from my grasp," he finished, his lips curling up into a sad smile, his eyes reflecting my own in their darker depths.

Sighing, I pulled away, my fingers slipping from his hands, I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys, knowing that if I returned home, I would have everything I needed in my apartment. Turning as I reached the door, I took a glance at Angelo, a single tear escaping my eye, my gaze catching sight of Alonso, his eyes casting downwards as he leaned against the doorframe. I quickly retreated out the door, knowing that if I stayed in his presence too long, I become putty in his arms.

I slowly slid into the car, my head resting against the leather headrest as I exhaled a slow breath. My fingers fumbling for the keys to startup the engine, it purring to life as I stared at the house I had began to call home.

Pulling out the driveway, my phone screen flashed , my gaze momentarily glancing over at the short text that popped up onto my screen.

This is not goodbye, just a see you later..

- Angelo xx

Giving a small smile, I followed the highway towards the airport, the weight on my shoulders being slightly lifted at the thought of returning home.


Hey, I'm back with a new update, bit sad to see my power couple part, but it hopefully won't last for long. I probably won't update for a while now as I have three week mocks coming up in January that I need to revise for and tests to sit new schools. So hopefully this can last you all around a month or so.

Remember, If you liked this chapter don't forget to:




Until Next time my loves- Bella Xx

Mafia Mistake #Wattys2017Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora