Sisterly Embraces

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A/N: Hiya, I'm back after week of exams. I'm still mentally drained so excuse any spelling mistakes during this chapter, Enjoy!


Alessa's P.O.V

Climbing into the cab, I quickly  mumbled to the rugged and weary  driver to head towards the airport. Nodding gruffly, I remained silent as he pulled out of Angelo's driveway.

Glancing through the window, I felt a pang of guilt and hurt clench at my heart. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat as I focused my mind on seeing my best friend I hadn't seen in the past few months, as I pushed the pressuring thoughts of Angelo forcefully out of my mind.

Lost in my drifting thoughts, I didn't notice we had arrived at the airport until the deep grumbling voice of the an driver drew me out of my deep thoughts. Shaking my head, I gave a small grimace as I handed over the money to pay him before stepping out of the cab, hearing it speed away after I closed the door. The humid breeze ruffled through my hair as it billowed through my top, carrying the sweet smell of freshness.

The deep rumbling of aeroplanes sounded around me as crowds of people swarmed in and out of the airport, embracing in another in a farewell or as a welcome home. Their gossiping merging into one loud mesh of noise.

Sighing, I pulled out my phone wondering how on earth was I going to be able to find Ali inside the waves of crowds.

Where are you?- Sent.

Glancing up, a few seconds later my phone buzzed with a new text message.

"Terminal 2, by the area of taxi's."

Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I weaved through the dense crowds heading towards the taxi area I could see in the distance.

Brushing against multiple  people, I finally broke through the crowd. My head turning in every direction to spot Ali amongst many others.

Sighing, I walked to the edge of the road, glancing around for Ali. Finally, I spotted a mass of curls and blonde hair. I felt my lips curl up in a grin as I walked towards my friend, happiness surging through me.

As if sensing me, she turned around, her tired blue eyes widening with excitement and happiness. Squealing, she ran towards me, her heels faltering her movements.

Running into me, her arms instantly wrapped around me as she squeezed me tightly, grinning I hugged my friend back just as hard.

We stood in embrace for what seemed eternity. Finally we broke apart, grins gracing both of our faces.

"I've missed you so much," sh exclaimed, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. Chuckling, I felt an ecstatic feeling bubbling up into my chest.

"Me too, Ali," I replied.

Grinning she grabbed her large duffle bag, "Come on, I wanna see you're new boyfriend," she said, grabbing my arm as she dragged me along towards the row of cabs parked along the side of the road awaiting passengers.

Sighing, I looked down briefly, Alj didn't miss a beat.

"What?" She asked, her frantic movements coming to a halt a worried expression crossing her features.

Shrugging, I glanced back up at her," Angelo and I got into a argument, he was worried about you getting hurt with everything going on,"I explained, my hand clenching around Ali's, the lump in my throat forming again as I swallowed slowly.

Pursing her lips, she embraced me in a sisterly embrace, stroking my hair, her familiar embrace was something I definitely missed.

"You'll sort it out, I promise," she whispered. Placing a quick kiss onto my cheek, she pulled away. Giving a small smile, we continued walking until we reached the cab area.

Looking over to the cabs, the majority of them were being filled with families and friends and were disappearing quickly.

"Excuse me, le signore," A voice suddenly sounded behind me. Swivelling on my heel, I saw a man behind me walking briskly towards us.

"You looking for  a taxi ride, si?" He spoke again, glancing at Ali, she simply nodded her head. Grinning the man clasped his hands together, his eyes lighting up.

"Brilliant, I shall be your taxi driver then, si?" He said, quickly grabbing Ali's duffle bag and walking ahead of us. Glancing at Ali, she simply shrugged and pulled me along after the taxi driver.

We followed him briskly to his silver taxi, he hauled Ali's duffle bag into the trunk before slamming it closed with a low thud.

Opening the car doors, he motioned for us to get in. Smiling at him gratefully, I climbed into the back of the taxi with Ali before settling into the soft leather seats.

As the driver climbed into the front, the engine purred to life as he started the ignition.

"Shit," Ali muttered, as she fumbled around in her handbag.

"What?" I asked, my brows furrowed as I watched her frantically fumble through her bag.

" I forgot my water on the plane, I fell asleep and didn't drink anything but managed to pick one up getting off," she huffed, " I was really thirsty as well," she continued, her lips pursing in annoyance.

The driver seemed to pipe up in that moment his gaze boring into ours as he looked at us through the rear mirror.

"Would you like some water?" He asked, his thick Italian accent resounding out as the english words rolled off his tongue. Without awaiting an answer he began rummaging through his glove compartment before holding up a Fiji water bottle.

"Would you like a drink, I always keep spares just incase my passengers need water on long trips across Italy," he explained.

Nodding, Ali reached out and took the water bottle gratefully from the driver before greedily gulping the water down like she hasn't had water for days. Chuckling, I watched the satisfied expression pass her features as she leaned back into the chair.

"Thanks," she mumbled, motioning to me she pointed to the water.

"You want some, it's heavenly," she explained, probing her bottle towards my mouth teasingly.

Nodding, I took the bottle from her before taking a few gulps of water, letting the cold liquid slide down my throat, somehow calming my nerves.

Handing it back over to her, I lent my head on her shoulder, glancing out the window, simply enjoying each other's presence as we we watching the night life of Italy pass our eyes.


That's the end of this chapter, sorry if you expected longer. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll make sure to update soon.

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