Blast to The Past- Pt 1

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Ok Before I start this Chapter- I just wanted to say-

Thank you sooooo much!!!
Over night my book reached 1k! 

You all don't know how much that means to me ! I have no words to express how happy I am!!!
Omg ! Is all I can muster !

*Exhales slowly* Anyway this chapter is going to be a flashback of Angelo and Teresa


P.S  Its Christmas !! (Eve) :-) Plus the picture above is Teresa, Angelo's Ex.


Angelo's P.O.V- 4 Years Ago

Doing the Lunch run for the group was certainly not my thing, especially when you end up going to several different places to pick up there shit, its like I'm their errand maid...

I had now been to 3 different cafe's and was about to drive to Starbucks, for Alonso of course. All I heard him say to me was some caramel something and some other words that don't fit into my vocabulary.

Pulling up to the curve, I turned of the engine before stepping out of my car I swiftly walked into the café. Glancing up, I saw its familiar glowing green and white logo sign glowing dimly on the street. Pushing through the large glass doors , in an instant, the aroma of coffee and baked goods filled my nose, it was almost intoxicating.

People were ideally sat at tables talking to the person sat opposite them, each with some sort of brewed drink sitting in there hands. Their chatter bouncing throughout the large room, each one engrossed in there own conversation.

Sighing, I glanced up at the large menu to try and attempt to find what Alonso wanted.

The lists of drinks were never-ending, but yet each one was unique and sounded quite pleasant to drink.

Stepping up to the counter, I prepared myself to order the drink before I was met with two large hazel eyes that rendered me absolutely speechless as my words died in my mouth.

The woman stood behind the counter could only be described as, stunning.

Her name was Teresa, from looking at her uniform name-tag. She had long ginger hair that hung down over her shoulders front and back. She probably had the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen on a girl. They were calm and quiet, yet slowly lured you in with the swirling colours of browns.

Her lips were full and sort of pouted when she wasn't smiling. I wished to see here smile, just imaging a set of pearly whites almost made break out in a grin. Everything about her was perfect, right down to her luscious figure that was covered in a tight fitted top, with a green apron tied securely around her waist.

"May I help you?" she asked, looking patiently up at me, her bright hazel eyes staring intently at me.

Clearing my throat, my mouth suddenly went dry.

"Um, yeah, I haven't been here before, but I'm buying a drink for my male college," I replied , my voice coming out a little hoarse.

Real smooth Angelo...

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape before she broke into a small grin, slowly, I felt my lips curl upwards slightly into a small smile as I ran my hand nervously through my hair.

"Oh, right, do you have any idea what he wanted?" she asked, her head cocking to one side, cuasing her hair to fall slightly across her face.

Almost chuckling as her face became slightly obscured, I glanced back up a the menu, my eyes scanning the menu.

"I think it was something along the lines of a Caramel Frappuccino with Coffee but no cream," I slowly said, biting my lip in thought.

Nodding slowly, I saw her turn to grab on of the clear plastic cups.

"What size?" she asked, having three different cup size placed in her hand.

Cocking my head, I pointed to the largest one, nodding she placed the other two done before grabbing a permanent pen marker.

"Name?" she asked, her eyes focused intently on mine.

"Angelo," I replied, giving a small grin.

Was that a blush I just saw crawling up her cheeks?  I thought, as she turned away after scribbling down my name to make the drink.

"You should come here more often you know, maybe you wouldn't be so clueless then," she called over her shoulder, seeing a small smile on her face as her soft tones washed over me.

Leaning forwards onto the counter, I tried hard not to stare at her rounded arse.

"Maybe I will, now that I know a beautiful woman will serve me," I replied slowly, letting some sultry tones leak a little into my voice.

Turning around, she avoided eye contact as I saw her cheeks had turned a bright pink, making my smile grow.

"You're cute when you blush," I commented, making a sudden eye contact with her she turned away again, no doubtly to hide her bright face.

"Quite the charmer aren't we?" she asked, turned back around with a lid placed on the cup.

Grinning again, I looked intently at her, "Only when pretty women are in my presence," I replied, breaking eye contact to quickly glance at my watch, feeling her eyes plastered to my face as I did so.

Giggling slightly, she handed me over the cup," That'll be 7 euros, please," she said quietly, tapping away on the cash-register, the blush still on her cheeks.

Fishing out my wallet, I pulled out 10 euros before handing it over to her, grinning slightly still.

"Keep the change."

Our hands slightly grazed as she took the money, sending shocks up my arm.

Pushing the cup over to me, I picked it up smiling.

"Thanks, have a good day," she called as I began to walk away.

Turning as I reached the door, I saw her eyes still focused on me, sending a wink I walked out the door, heading back to my car.

Slipping into the drivers seat, I placed the cup into the cup-holder.

Starting the engine, hearing it purr to life, I pulled off the curb and heading back to the boys. A smile plastered on my face as I glanced down at the napkin tapped to the drink. In black pen, a message was written out onto it.

Call me-


That's the end of Part 1 on the flashback.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter- Sorry if it was a little basic, the Part 2 of the chapter will me more dramatic, I promise. :-)

~Bella~ :-)

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