Guilt Trip

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Hi guys ! Don't worry I'm still alive and I'm sorry for not updating in like - forever...

I went away on holiday and got back a week ago yet I'm back at school so I had a ton of work to catch up on ..

But anyways , I'm back now and I hope you enjoy this chapter !

~Bella~ 💖

Angelo's P.O.V

Sliding quickly into my car, my hands gripped the steering wheel as dark emotions and thoughts clashed inside my head.

Why did you leave her? I thought, my knuckles turning white as I gripped the wheel with painful strength, the pain radiating up my arms as vivid images flashed through my mind.

Leaning back , I rested my head against the headrest as my eyes seemed to glaze over as I remembered last night.

Blood rushing, heart pounding , adrenaline soaring - blood, rage... So much rage ... Then like a cold wave, guilt , sadness and sorrow.

I remember carrying her upstairs , her usual soft angelic face seems hard with lines of worry or fear. I remember how that man loomed over her with such an evil glint in his eyes it made me boil over. How helpless she looked , yet now she's acting as I nothing had occurred. But, I couldn't get the memory out of my head , it was seared into my very mind , I knew it was going to haunt me forever.

Sighing, I shook my head free of looming thoughts as I started the engine of my car, the engine purring to life as it did.

Turning out the driveway, I quickly texted Alonso to keep an eye on Alessa while I went to Alessandro's home.

Alessa's P.O.V

My head swiftly turned away from the window as I heard the purr of an engine before the sound of gravel as a car pulled out of the driveway , presumably Angelo.

My brows furrowed as I ventured out into the hall only to find no sign of anyone else in the house. But I didn't know whether to be relived that I don't have a cocky Alonso by my side or be scared at the fact that I'm alone in an enormous house.

My bare feet padded down the hall, the only sound heard was the creek I of floorboards as I walked across the landing.

Walking down the oak stairs , I was met with a vacant living room, the silence not sitting well with me, nor the fact Angelo left so suddenly.

Where did he go? I thought, just as I ventured into the empty kitchen , the counter top phone decided the let out a shrill of a ring, scaring the shit out of  out me.

Letting out a startled squeak, as well as jumping about five feet off the ground, I tiptoed towards the phone, as if afraid they could already hear me across the phone.

Picking up the phone, I pressed it carefully to my ear.

"Hello?" I said softly , my voice just above a whisper.

"Alessa, why the fuck are you whispering?" Alonso's humour laced voice echoed down the phone.

Sighing, I rolled my eyes at my over exaggeration, how stupid am I to think it's some murderer coming to kill me?

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