The Blessed Deal

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Angelo's P.O.V

Closing the car door, my shoes crunched against the hard gravel as I made my way across the Geogrio's driveway.

Climbing up the marble steps, my silhouette was barely visible with the sun setting rapidly behind me, sending the sky into hazes of pinks and oranges.

Knocking on the door, I stepped back a little, waiting patiently for someone to open the door.

Exhaling slowly, I ran my fingers through my messy hair, beginning to wonder if Alessandro was actually home.

As if on queue, the large oak door swung open to show a rugged Alessandro, the similarities between him and Alessa were almost scarily alike. With the same green eyes and dark hair , they were almost identical.

"Angelo, what brings you here?" He asked, his deep Greek accent snapping me out of my own thoughts.

Clearing my throat, I plastered on an platonic expression.

"We need to speak about the deal," I stated, my gruff voice almost scarily emotionless as Alessandro simply nodded and motioned for me to come in.

---10 minutes later---

"What?!" Alessandro asked, his voice raising as evident anger came across his face at the news of Alessa.

Shuffling in my seat, I remained staring at the old man, watching him rapidly pace back and forth processing the information.

"This is why I came to you Alessandro, I can't let this go on any further, they've hurt Alessa enough," I stated, the man seemed to still at this statement as he swivelled around, his eyes boring into mine.

"You care for her?" He asked, genuine curiosity lacing his usual serious tone.

Leaning back, I suddenly felt uncomfortable under the mans gaze.

Clearing my throat, I took a deep breath," You have no idea how much."

Glancing at the floor, I waited for Alessandro's response. But what happened next surprised me.

He laughed.

He full on laughed.

Looking up at him in confusion, I read his expression carefully, making sure he wasn't fucking with me.

Grabbing a chair, he sat down next to me.

"I didn't realise until now Angelo, how much you are like your father," he commented, still chuckling.

My brows furrowed in confusion as he just shook his head and continued.

"When we were both just young men, just got hold of our businesses, your father just didn't know how to treat his women, always acting cold, closed off, but yet if you just managed to crack away that cold exterior, he was secretly a large Italian teddy bear- that could of blown your head off," Alessandro joked, his face glowing with memory as his lips were turned upwards into a large grin.

"Listen, Angelo, Alessa won't stop pushing you until she's opened you up like a nut, she's too stubborn," he stated, shaking his head in the process," but you have to show her your true self, she can't keep looking for that part of you forever," he finished, his hand resting on my shoulder.

Nodding, I was left speechless, he was correct . On point with what he had said.

"You care about her, correct?" He asked.

Nodding slowly, I remained speechless.

"Then show her you Angelo, the real you, without the guns or violence," he stated,  patting my shoulder he rose up from his chair.

"You have my blessing, do whatever you will with it," he finished, turning his back on me, he rested against the window sill, gazing out in the darkening sky.

I remained shocked, speechless even.

"I'll contact my men now, from tomorrow, my men are under your control," he said submissively, and with that said, I  almost robotically said my goodbye before walking briskly out the door. My mind whirling, spinning at a uncontrollable rate.

Climbing back into my car, I couldn't stop repeating his words inside my head, like an irritable song that you can't stop singing, except I didn't know how to react at that moment, other than knowing I wanted to just head home and see Alessa.

Pulling out of the driveway, I began
planning my day tomorrow, no work, just me and Alessa. Together.


Sorry for the short chapter, it was kinda a filler for what's happening in the next one. Sorry if this was bad I'm trying to get back into the routine of writing.
Anyways, hopefully this was good- until the next chapter , goodbye my lovelies!


Mafia Mistake #Wattys2017Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora