Chapter Five: Southern Poker Queen

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"No, mom, I'm not dating anyone," Lydia sighed as she talked to her mother on the phone. "I know that mother... I'm not looking for a relationship right now... Yeah, I miss you too... Bye," she hung up with a sigh.

A light knock startled the woman as she turned to see Luke leaning against the door frame of the open door. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine," Lydia replied with a reassuring smile as she pocketed her phone. "Do you need something?"

"Having problems with your mother who, and I quote, is just waiting for you to fail?" Luke asked, ignoring her question.

"Something like that. So what do you need?"

"You asked if we could talk after I put Isla to bed."

"Oh yeah," Lydia nodded.

"So... Is this a run something by me talk or a lets sit down talk?" Luke asked

"Well..." The young woman said, playing with her hands nervously.

Luke all of a sudden got nervous too. Was she going to quit? Had he made her feel uncomfortable at some point? Was the little crush he had on the attractive nanny that apparent? If she quit, how would he be able to find a new nanny before football started? Preseason started in less than a week.

"Isla was asking about her mom today and not that its any of my business or anything, it isn't.... I shouldn't even be doing this, I mean, she's your daughter. I'm just here to watch her when you're not around and it's-"

Luke chuckled at her rambling. "Lydia it's ok." He cut her off.

"It is?" She looked half relieved.

Luke nodded. "Yeah, I uh, probably should've told you. That way you know. I don't want Isla knowing the whole thing yet but this way you're not kept in the dark."

"Luke, it's fine, I just thought you should know she was asking," Lydia explained.

"Melissa, her mom, left, more or less abandoned Isla at a few weeks old."

"That's terrible. How could she just...?"

Luke shook his head. "I don't know, but I haven't seen her since. She signed over her parental rights. Actually, come with me for a minute, Lydia," he said, something occurring to him during their short chat, walking out of the room towards what he liked to call his office, which was really just a room with a desk that never really got used except for keeping important papers.

Lydia followed silently, curious on what Luke was up to. Once they reached the room, Her employer opened a drawer, pulling out at small stack of papers. "These are the parental rights papers, or at least a copy. I keep the original in my safe. I want you to know where it is incase Melissa tries to pull something and I'm not around.

Lydia nodded. "Do you think she would? After so long?"

"I don't honestly know. We were never really on very good terms with each other."

The employee bit her lip. "So if she shows up, should I keep Isla away from her?"

"Yes, even if Isla somehow finds out who she is and begs. It'll be better in the long run that way."

Lydia nodded, watching as Luke put the papers back in the drawer. She wondered if it would really be that bad for Isla to meet Melissa, but she wasn't going to question Luke's decision, it wasn't her place. "So if Isla asks?"

"Tell her I'll talk to her."

Lydia nodded, "ok, thanks. I'll leave you be now."

"You don't have to run off," Luke spoke before he could comprehend what he was saying, hoping he didn't sound to desperate.

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