Chapter Nine: Answers and More Questions

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"I mean it, dear. How could you possibly just prance around in your bedclothes?" Lydia's extremely traditional, southern mother scolded.

"Pajamas mom, nobody calls them bedclothes anymore."

Sarah-Grace rolled her eyes. "Just get dressed"

The 23-year-old did as told. Lydia had learned a long time ago it was simply easier to listen to her mother than to fight her on it.

"Lawson has been asking about you."

Lydia froze in her tracks as she pulled her shirt over her head. "No mom."

"Lydia Arabella, you barely gave that boy a chance."

"A chance!? Mom, I married the guy!"

"You're still married to him and using his last name or have you forgotten that?"

"Have you forgotten he just wants me to sit around and look pretty all day. News flash mom this isn't the 50's anymore!"

"That boy loves you, and he wants to give you a good life where you don't have to work."

"I don't want to be just a housewife. I want to make more of myself than just a supportive wife and mother."

"Then why haven't you divorced him already?"

"He won't sign the damn papers, mom!"


"Mom," Lydia complained. "I don't have the means to take this into court further to try and get this done. So until then, I will stay Lydia Miller, unfortunately."

"Fine then, break the boy's heart," Sarah-Grace huffed, walking out of the room, leaving her daughter to finish getting ready for her day.

Luke had excused himself to check on Isla and to give the confusion a chance to leave his face. Why was her last name different? Was she married? Divorced? Widowed? And why didn't she tell him, not that she really needed to. Maybe he'd assumed they'd grown closer over the past few weeks. He must have assumed wrong.

"Daddy? Who are those people in our house?" Isla asked, dipping her pancake in the syrup on the side of her plate.

"They're Miss Lydia's parents."

"That's cool," Isla grinned.

Luke nodded, still in thought over the mystery that was Lydia's last name. He was completely caught up in them that he didn't even notice Lydia coming into the kitchen, saying she was going to take her parents out and show them around.

"Luke?" Lydia said for the third time, finally getting the man's attention. "Did you hear me?"

"What?" Luke replied.

"I'm going to take my parents out, thanks for the day off."

"Yeah, of course," Luke smiled weakly.

"Don't get lost," Isla chirped in.

The two adults burst into laughter while the four-year-old grinned proudly. "I'll try not to Isla bear," Lydia smiled, kissing the young girl's cheek. "I'll see y'all later," the nanny waved before escorting her parents out the door.

"Looks like it's just you and me, missy." Luke smiled at his daughter. "What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to the zoo with Ellie today, daddy," Isla informed her father. "Her mommy is picking me up at this many." She held up ten fingers.

"Oh.. Well then I guess I should get you ready. You're all sticky," Luke chuckled.

"I know. Syrup is very sticky," Isla replied, hair sticking to her cheek because of the syrup.

Luke smiled, wiping Isla's face with a warm washcloth. "There you go, baby. Do you need help getting ready?"

"Nope," Isla grinned, hopping off her chair and running upstairs.

Luke sighed at how fast his baby girl was growing up. It still seemed like yesterday he had been that scared teenage father that didn't know a thing about raising a kid. Now she was a four and a half, independent, little girl and his pride and joy.

Within thirty minutes, Isla had been picked up and Luke found himself alone. So within ten minutes of not finding anything to curb his thoughts and curiosity, the linebacker opened his laptop and began a search he didn't think he'd ever make under the mindset he was in.

Of course, there were several hundred Lydia Millers, so it took a couple of hit and miss searches before he found something, an engagement announcement in the Savannah Tribune for one Lydia Lancaster and Lawson Miller but that was it. Lydia had a Facebook but in her information, it said, "I use this to stalk my family and friends," and there was nothing else, bar a few tagged photos, on her page.

The search didn't help matters. If anything, it made them worse. Luke had more questions than he had started with. Not to mention he hoped Lydia wouldn't be to mad if she found out he'd googled her, but he needed answers. It also made the linebacker feel as if any chance he would ever admit his ever-growing feelings towards the woman where gone, and that bothered him more than it should have.

It was about 4:30 before Isla was home and another hour after that once Lydia got home, her parents ultimately decided to stay at their hotel.

"Miss Lydia!" Isla grinned, running towards the nanny. "Guess what."

"What?" Lydia laughed as she removed her light sweater.

"I went to the zoo with Ellie today and saw lions and tigers and bears."

"Oh, my," Luke smiled, causing Lydia to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Isla scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Nothing Isla bear," Luke chuckled, "why don't you go take a bath?"

"Ok, miss Lydia will you start it for me?"

"Sure thing munchkin," Lydia laughed, picking up the four-year-old and heading upstairs with her, chatting idly as the nanny filled the bathtub.

"I'll call you when I'm done," Isla said, waiting for Lydia to leave the bathroom before she started to undress.

"Ok," Lydia replied, leaving the bathroom coming face to face with Luke. "Oh, hey."

"You're married."

"What?" Lydia replied, shocked.

Luke bit his lip, not knowing why he blurted it out. "Your last isn't the same as your parents, I found the engagement announcement online."

"You googled me?"

"I trust you to take care of my child."

Lydia sighed. "Yes I'm married, but only because he won't sign the papers."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Why should I? It's my personal business."

"I need to know I can trust you! That's my baby girl!" Luke replied, suddenly becoming upset.

"You can!"

"No, I can't Lydia."

"So what? You're gonna fire me because I left out that I'm in a failed shotgun marriage!?"

"I- shotgun? But that means-"

"Yes, I was pregnant Luke!" Lydia yelled before turning and storming into her room.

Guilt hit the man like a sucker punch. Could he have been any less tactful?

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