Chapter Thirty-Two: The Storm

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I'll face that wind by your side
Even take on that rain, I don't mind
Or give you space or give you time
If you need me to
I'll be here for you

Luke walked into his Baltimore hotel room laughing at something Greg said as they returned from their team meeting and dinner Wednesday evening. Once the door shut behind them, Greg headed to the bathroom and Luke picked his phone up off the nightstand. As soon as he hit the home button, notifications of missed calls and voicemails from a number he didn't recognize flashed on the screen. Finding it a bit odd, he raised the phone to his ear.

"Luke, it's Wyatt. I had to take Lydia to the hospital. She was having steady contractions and they think it's preterm labor. They're running more tests right now, but if you could call me back as soon as you get this."

Luke felt his stomach drop as he processed the words. His baby might be on his way right now and he was 500 miles away. Before he could let his mind get ahead of himself, he played the second message from Wyatt.

"Hey, it's Wyatt again. Lydia is definitely in preterm labor. They're doing everything they can to try and stop it, but she's already 4 centimeters dilated. They're giving steroids so the baby's lungs will develop quicker, but there's a very good possibility she'll have to deliver the baby in the next day or two, if not sooner. Please let me know when you get this."

Before Wyatt finished his second sentence, Luke was already packing his bag frantically. He could hear the concern and worry in Wyatt's tone. The man knew he had to get back to Charlotte as soon as humanly possible.

Greg walked out to find his roommate frantically rushing around the room, gathering his things.

"Screw it," Luke mumbled grabbing just his phone and wallet and heading for the door.

"Woah Woah Woah," Greg stopped his friend by placing a hand on his chest. "What's got you running around here like a madman?"

"Lydia is in preterm labor and they don't know if they can stop it or not. I need to get back home now." The man ran a hand through his hair. Every minute he wasted, was a minute they could take him longer to get home.

Greg's eyes expanded clearly understanding his friend's current state. "Have you called for a cab or an Uber to take you to the airport?"

Luke shook his head. Greg immediately took out his phone as he ushered his friend out of their room. "Your Uber is 5 minutes out. I'll let everybody who needs to know, know where you are."

"Thank you, man." Luke tried to calm his mind so he could return to rational thoughts, but all he could focus on was his baby, Lydia, and getting home.

"There's a flight that leaves in about an hour and a half. Hopefully, you'll be able to catch that," Greg spoke as they waited for the car to arrive.

Luke nodded still unable to get the merry-go-round of thoughts to stop swirling in his mind. The ride to the airport was mostly a blur, but the man still managed to think clearly enough to call the airline with the soonest flight to Charlotte and was able to purchase his ticket while on the drive. They promised to have it waiting at the counter for him.

Even with things going smoothly, Luke all but walked onto the plane with everyone else boarded when he made it to the gate. Still, the man was unable to settle his nerves until he sat in his seat. Luke closed his eyes, resting his head against the back of his seat and focused on steadying his breathing.

Once Luke was able to settle his mind enough to think, he realized he hadn't called or texted Wyatt or Lydia to let them know he was on his way or even knew what was happening. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to contact them until he was on the ground now.

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