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Thank you once again for reading Tea Parties and Feather Boas. It means so much to me that read it. Unfortunately, there is no sequel, but I do have several other finished and unfinished stories that I'd love for you to check out!

Happier (Aaron Rodgers) ~ In progress

Aaron and Rachel have been best friends for years, but there's always been something more underlying their relationship. However, they've never been able to get the timing had never been there for them. There's always something or someone in the way.
With their luck, just as things start to line up, something is bound to knock them off course.
One's perspective isn't fact.

Choosing You (J.J. Watt) ~ In progress

From day one, J.J. and Levya were on the same page. "Til death do us part' meant forever. There was no going back. Yet, when one of them reveals a bombshell, their marriage is put to the test. Tension mounts in their once happy marriage, forcing them to scale a seemingly impossible mountain.

Just a Dream (Aaron Rodgers) ~ Complete

Aaron Rodgers has been having dreams that reveal an alternate universe, a path not taken, a life he realizes he would much rather have, but is it too late? Or is there still a chance he could have that dream life?

Changing Normal (Aaron Rodgers) ~ Complete

Growing up next door to each other, Aaron and Samantha were like siblings. An admission of non-platonic feelings and one night changed all of that. Now, they'll have to overcome a lot more than either bargained for. None of this is normal for them.
But that's the thing... how long does normal last before it changes again?

Something Special (Randall Cobb) ~ Complete
[Sequel to Changing Normal]

She'd fed up with men.
He's ready for commitment.
Their mutual friend has been trying to get them together for months, but what really brings Jessica and Randall together is a very special foster boy.

Find them all and more on my page!

Tea Parties and Feather Boas (Luke Kuechly)Where stories live. Discover now