16.5 (Very Short Chapter)

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And last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body

Soft, tender kisses across her bare back and up and down her left shoulder blade brought Lydia out of her drowsy sleep and into the secluded, secret wonderland of her and Luke alone in her bed. A smile slowly spread across her face, not panic or regret like last time as she ran from his room, though regret was sure to follow at some point. She couldn't help but notice the extra attention he was giving to her tattoo. On her still slightly irritated skin, his cool fingers and soft lips felt soothing. Lydia shifted hoping not to alert Luke she was awake.

"You know," Luke traced the tattoo as he spoke, remnants of sleep and the night's activities left in his voice. "I don't remember this... and I'm pretty sure I would've remembered it." the man added in a lazy way, his lips touching her shoulder once more.

"Mmm," Lydia closed her eyes, relishing the feeling. "Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful, Lyddie," The linebacker complemented, the pet name rolling off his tongue like sugar as he intently studied the delicate lines of the compass and flower combination. "Why a compass though?"

"To remind me to follow my heart and not what other people tell me to do."

"What's your heart telling you now?" Luke smirked lethargically, as he began to kiss her neck and shoulder fractionally faster each time, his hands enclosing around the woman's body.

"I know what a few things are telling me," Lydia uttered coquettishly, turning towards her boss.

"Oh? And what's that?" he asked, knowing full well what she meant.

Lydia rolled her eyes before pressing her lips to his. The time for talking was over. There were other activities she would rather being doing.

Chuckling deeply, the linebacker pulled Lydia close, caressingly the soft skin of her lower back. "Far be it for me to disagree with that," Luke mumbled into the kiss.

Not worried about any of the consequences that could come from this choice, both adults shamelessly indulged their desires.

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