Chapter Thirty-Four: Home

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Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your home•

"You're set to go home today," Dr. Mathis smiled from the corner of Lydia's hospital room as she sat in the recliner.

Lydia nodded, sitting in the hospital bed. "Yeah, I'm ready to get out of this room."

"I'm sure you are," the doctor replied. "I'm glad you allowed me to visit."

"Well, they will hardly let me out of this room. The only trips I get to take are to see Seth."

"How is Seth doing?" Dr. Mathis asked.

"He's doing well. The doctors say he's a strong little boy."

"That's encouraging. How long do they think he'll have to stay here?"

"Hopefully only 2 weeks. He has to be able to breathe, eat, and regulate his body temperature on his own before they'll discharge him."

"How are you doing?"

"Tired mostly," Lydia sighed. "Childbirth is rough."

"So I've heard," Dr. Mathis nodded. "but you're going home and Seth has to stay here, are you ok with that?"

Lydia shrugged looking away from the woman. "Of course I am. He has to stay here and I need to go home. I don't think I could spend another day in this hospital."


"I thought we were supposed to be working on my ability to have healthy relationships," Lydia deflected.

"How are you and Luke handling everything?"

"He-he's been great through all this," Lydia smiled softly. "I'm actually going to stay with him for the next couple of months so that he can be there for Seth as well."

"You and Luke are doing well," the counselor reiterated.

"Yes," Lydia said without hesitation.

"You and Luke are healthy?"

This time, she hesitated as she thought about everything. "I think we're getting there."

Almost an hour later, there was a firm tap on the door. It cracked open revealing a nurse who had no doubt come to help Lydia get ready to leave.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," she said once spotting Dr. Mathis in the corner.

"It's ok, I think we're over our time anyway," Lydia looked toward her counselor who glanced down at her watch.

"We sure are," Dr. Mathis smiled, standing up. "I'll see you soon, Lydia."

Lydia nodded in thanks as she slipped out before turning her attention to the nurse.

"I was coming to see if you need any help, Miss Miller. The doctor will be coming in with your discharge papers soon."

"I'd like to go to the NICU and see my baby."

"I'll go get the wheelchair," the nurse smiled softly, exiting and returning within minutes.

Efficiently, the two worked together to get Lydia situated in the chair. The woman relaxed at the nurse pushed her through the halls. If she closed her eyes, she could almost trick herself into thinking she was outside with the breeze in her hair... almost.

After going through the monotonous process of NICU protocol, Lydia was finally rolled over to her son's bedside. The woman immediately smiled.

"Good morning, Seth," she cooed. "How did you sleep last night?"

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