Chapter Thirty: Timshel

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•And you are the mother
The mother of your baby child
The one to whom you gave life•

Lydia flung the door open, flinging her arms around her brother without a second thought about dignity or her protruding, 34-weeks pregnant belly.

Wyatt let out an oof sound as his baby sister practically lunged into his arms, laughing as he did his best to catch her. "It's good to see you too."

Lydia laughed, regaining her composure as she gave him one final squeeze before releasing him. "I've missed you. I got so used to seeing you all the time when I was in Savannah."

"Yeah, I've missed having you around," Wyatt said.

"I'm glad you came to visit."

"I'm glad I'm always welcome at your place." Her brother teased.

"Be good or else I might have to revoke that open invitation," Lydia teased her older brother.

"No promises," Wyatt winked.

"Yeah yeah," Lydia laughed, showing him to her guest room which was also her nursery.

Stepping into the space, Wyatt got a wicked grin on his face. "I love the room, but don't you think I'm a little big for the bed?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "That's because your brand new bed is over there."

Wyatt looked over to find an air mattress, still in the box, sitting on the floor.

"Lucky for you, it comes with an air pump."

The man chuckled. "Maybe I'll buy you an extra mattress while I'm here."

"Why? I don't need it except when you come to visit. It'll just take up space."

"What about when my nephew needs it."

"Then I'll get one. Just use the damn thing."

"But they always pop on me."

"That's because you've always had a woman with you." Lydia countered.

"Shut up," Wyatt laughed, tossing his bag on the floor. "It looks like you're ready for him."

"I don't feel ready," Lydia sighed, absent-mindedly placing a hand over her ever-growing stomach.

Wyatt kissed his sister's head. "You're going to do great, but in the meantime, what do you have planned while I'm here."

"Well, I'm watching Isla from tomorrow morning until Friday morning. The Panthers have a preseason game in Baltimore Thursday night."

"So I'll finally get to meet the infamous Kuechlys?"

"I suppose."

"Good, I need to meet the man who knocked you up. Apparently, someone never taught him to wrap it up."

"Hey, be nice, ok? He's a good guy."

"He still got you pregnant."

"Which I'm also good at doing. It takes two, and if I remember correctly, you've had your fair share of pregnancy scares."

"Yeah, but you're two for two. I'm none for- well you don't need to know how many."

"At least that's what you think," Lydia teased.

Wyatt made a face at his sister before deciding to change the topic.

The following morning, the pair made their way to the Kuechly home, Wyatt opting to spend the days with Lydia and Isla instead of by himself since his whole reason for coming to Charlotte was to see his sister.

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