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"How are we doing today, Brooke?" Is the first thing Dr. Norton asks me as I step into his private office, accompanied with Grant. It's Friday, around midday and its time for my 12-week ultrasound. When I met Grant in the waiting room this morning it seemed he was more nervous then me.

"I'm good, excited but nervous." I state, coming to sit down on a chair in front of his desk as he sits behind it.

Dr. Norton smiles." That's understandable." He then turns his head towards Grant, who is now seated in the chair beside mine." But I see you brought company today... Its good to see you here, Alpha."

I turn my gaze to Grant who musters a small smile with the nod of his head.

"I'll just do some routine checks before we move onto the ultrasound" Dr. Norton gets up from his seat and moves around to me. After that he takes my blood pressure and my weight, when everything seems fine he instructs me to lie down on the exam table, opposite to his desk.

Through the whole thing so far Grant seems uncomfortable. Out of place as if he had just landed on the moon. But he doesn't say anything as he comes to sit on a chair beside me, rubbing his palms together. I think I have found Grants indicator when his nervous.

"I'll just have to wheel the ultrasound machine over, wont be a moment." Dr. Norton states before walking in the other direction out the door.

As my head is lying on a pillow I turn it to look at Grant. His face is so full of worry it's hard not to laugh. I roll my eyes as I make a decision of reaching out with my hand towards Grant's firm frown. With my thumb and pointer finger I touch the side of his lips and lift them up, to a smile. When this happens Grant seems confused and looks down to see what I am doing.

I smile at my work before Grant gently grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away, his frown returning." What are you doing?"

"You should smile more." I tease smirking, however I am met with a flat look from Grant." What? With the amount of tension in your face you will have wrinkles well before your forty."

"I am forty." Grant says dryly. My smile vanishes as I whip my head to the side. My eyes grow wide in shock, as he remains the same. But after a long five seconds he cracks a grin before laughing.

" I'm twenty-eight, Brooke." He confirms and I find myself sighing in relief." I'm quiet offended you thought that was true."

I stumble on my next words; not wanting to sound rude but luckily Dr. Norton was just walking back in wheeling in a machine. " Give her a break, some werewolves age a lot slower then others while some the same rate as humans."

I had heard that before and seen it as well. But just the idea of Grant being forty freaked me out. Don't get me wrong, I respect different aged couples but Grant doesn't look anything like a forty-year-old man.

And I think I would be too childish to be with one as I tilt my head back towards Grant and poke my tongue at him. He gives me a scowl as my attention goes back Dr. Norton.

"I'll just have to ask you to lift up your shirt for me, Brooke." As I do that Dr. Norton walks over to beside the closed door and turns the lights off. The lack of light makes me blink my eyes a few times before they adjust.

Dr. Norton walks back over to me, he picks up a bottle under the monitor and control panel on the wheelie cart which the machine is on." I'll just have to put some gel on your stomach to make it easier, sorry it might be cold."

I jump slightly as the light blue tinted gel is smeared on my slightly rounded stomach. It is cold. Dr. Norton putts the bottle back before picking up a wand, with a rotating ball at one end and the other has a wire connecting to the screen.

"Lets see if I can find this baby, I might be a bit rusty." He teases as he places the wand on my stomach. I can understand what he means by 'rusty'; Annie has explained to me that not many children are born at this pack.

My eyes land on the screen that's now has flashed to life as a bright muddle of black and white. The wand goes to the lower part of my stomach and that's when Dr. Norton stops.

"Found the baby." He exclaims and I squint at the screen, obviously not seeing what Dr. Norton sees." You can see the head here."

He points at a little shape of black at the bottom of a white circler silhouette. I had seen pictures like this in my pregnancy book but this picture was different. This picture of a little peanut shape was of my baby...

"There's the body." His finger glides down the screen from the head to the torso." And then you can see the arms and legs."

I watch the monitor as my brain goes into emotional overdrive. As if this this surreal moment isn't actually happening. But I nearly feel like pinching myself to make sure that I am witnessing my first sight of my child.

"Now if I can remember..." Dr. Norton mumbles to himself as he turns to the control panel clicking things and then I hear it.

The sound of a rapidly beating heart is sounded in the room. I smile while I am listening to it, some how it making this experience more real.

As if I had forgotten, I feel a squeeze of my hand and turn my head over to Grant. I hadn't even realized that he was still holding my hand from when I tried to put a forceful smile on his face.

His face doesn't look like its built with worry, it is filled with wonder. Another new expression I have now seen on him. Our eyes meet and when he smiles at me I knew then that I wasn't going to be alone in this, not any more.


Might be a shorter chapter, but I hoped you liked it.

Just looked and saw the story is #882 in werewolf.!!! OMG I am so excited! thanks so much guys but i think we can keep going!

Thank you for all your votes so far, it's been amazing and I look forward to more Votes and Comments in the future.

I hope to update soon, maybe with some more romance?

Love u

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