Chapter-47 (Grant's POV)

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(Grant's POV)

I lay down beside Brooke on the double bed as we watch or daughter on my chest. She lies on her belly with her head fitted with a pink beanie facing Brooke. She seems so small and fragile that there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep her safe.

Brooke plays with her little fingers as she sleeps, smiling softly at her. Although I can tell Brooke is tired seeing how it is the middle of the night and she hasn't rested yet. We had a couple visitors before, my sister, Abby and Brooke's brother who I was properly acquainted to. He is a nice guy, and I could tell that he would do anything for Brooke, like she would do for him.

"We still haven't thought of a name." Brooke whispers tilting her head to look at me." Do you have any idea's?"

I think for a moment but nothing comes to mind, we didn't really have time to think of names." No, how about you?"

Brooke bites her lip." I do like one name..." She says, I widen my eyes for her to continue and she sighs, seeming nervous." Ella."

I furrow my eyebrows looking down at our daughter, a smile creeps onto my lips with out realizing it." Ella..." I whisper, liking the way it sounds as well as it suiting her. "I like it... Ella Rhodes-"

"Underwood." Brooke corrects, giving Ella my last name instead of hers. Surprised I look to Brooke and she chuckles at my shock before shrugging." She is a Shadow after all."

I tilt my head to Brooke and kiss her on the temple, thanking her since there aren't many people that have my family's last name anymore living in this world. Brooke lets out a yawn and I can now tell her exhaustion has court up with her. I start shifting on the bed and Brooke protests." Where are you going?"

"I'll leave you in peace to get some rest, I'll just be outside with the others." I state and Brooke is nodding with another yawn as I carefully cradle Ella to my chest and head out to the living room.

Abby and Raina are still up even though is about 3 o'clock in the morning and they sit on the couch, when I walk in and they see Ella their smiles beam.

"Can I hold her?" Raina practically begs and I sigh happily and gently hand Ella to her aunt. I sit on the opposite couch as Raina fawns over her little niece, Abby's head turns to me.

"How's Brooke?" she asks.

"Sleeping." I state, I look around for Brooke's brother Jordon, but he seems to be missing.

Abby must have noticed and nods her head to the back door." He's taking a phone call... poor guy is trying to explain to his mum the whole situation."

I grunt out a laugh, imaging what the phone call would be like.

"Have you given her a name yet?" Raina asked adjusting the beanie on Ella's head.

"Ella." I answer and Raina awws over the name while Abby playfully rolls her eyes at her reaction. I watch them together fussing over her and I knew that Ella was going to be spoiled.

I relax, finding myself also tired from the life changing day I have had, a day I didn't think would happen one month ago when Raina arrived back at the pack house with a bullet though her shoulder and no Brooke.

I didn't blame Raina for what happened, we couldn't have predicted it. The hard thing was not being able to act sooner. Sending a rescue team would have been too dangerous and the plan was already set. However it was for a month's time when our neighboring packs would reunite, as well as a synonymized attack with Red Coat wolves in the desert at the S.E.R.O base in Nevada.

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