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I was forced to say my goodbyes to everyone and the next thing I know I was in the passenger seat next to Raina. Watching the figures waving good-bye in the review mirror before they disappear out of sight, not knowing the next time I would see them again.

"My Aunt and Uncle are excited to meet you, they will meet us at the airport when we arrive." Raina, like Grant is trying to sound positive on the whole situation but failing. All I manage is a tight smile.

"The first time my brother sent me to England I vowed never to forgive him again." Raina says and I quirk and eyebrow. I guess I never really understood what happened between Grant and Raina all those years ago.

"Although you looked for him for quite some time." I chime and she gives me a mocked annoyed look before focusing her eyes back on the road.

" Yes I did, he's my brother... and even though I hate him for what he did, I still love him." She says.

"What...did happen?" I question, being curious quite some time now on their families past.

Raina sighs." I guess he could never tell anyone..." I give her a quizzical look and she elaborates on the story." My parents were scared to stay in England, since so much of our pack had been hunted. We moved to America where our other pack members split up and just moved around Europe."

Raina makes a turn on the highway before continuing." Moving here was good for us for over a decade, we were happy but it didn't last. We were found out, and it was my brother's idea to send me back to England to be safe... From the bits and pieces of the story I have been told Grant found a pack that could hide them from the hunters. Instead they turned on him and my parents, not wanting us as competition anymore to be the powerful ones."

My heart sinks into my stomach. No wonder Grant has a hard time trusting people, why my lies had hurt him so much. Last time someone lied to him like that cost him his parent's life.

"I don't know how Grant escaped, he never talks about it, but that's the way he has to deal with it... I wished I stayed in America, I wished I could have at least tried to save my parents."

I stay silent giving her a sad smile, knowing that feeling of wishing you could change the past.

"I'm sorry that I'm the reason you have to leave." I say and she shakes her head with a chuckle.

" I always mange to find Grant again." She says but I shake my head.

"I was talking about Abby." I whisper and Raina's face drops. I didn't know any details about how long they were seeing each other but from that look it meant a lot.

" Yeah well, it probably wouldn't have worked out anyways." Raina brushes it off, not fooling me though." I mean, my brother butts heads with Abby more times then I care to count per day."

I want to reply to that but I should stop seeing hope in things when it clearly is hurting Raina. For the rest of the way to the airport the talking is light, and Raina tells me about England. But all the time she is explaining the beautiful countryside, I'm stuck looking in the review mirror, watching my world change.


It was late afternoon when we arrived at JFK International airport, the sun was beginning to set and I was exhausted. Another thing to look forward to when getting to England is jet lag.

Somehow we got through security with some pretty last minute passports and our light luggage. Although while I find myself trembling, scared about what is to happen next.

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