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A few days later I was released from the medical center and we were all heading home. On the car journey there I sat at the back with Ella who was in a portable child seat. Luckily Annie had helped Dr. Norton pack all the essential things before he headed off to the safe house to help.

A smile tinted my lips as we were driving through the familiar forest, heading back to the pack house. I had missed it so much and I push away the thoughts and bad dreams of waking up in S.E.R.O. I was safe and I was home.

Pulling up into the driveway in front of the porch I look up in front of the car to Grant who is driving. He peers in the review mirror, a very relaxed smile on his face. Everyone else went home early this week, and Grant stayed until yesterday when we got the okay to come home today.

"Is Ella asleep?" Grant asks turning his head, slightly lowering his voice.

I peer into her carrier to see her head resting on her shoulder, her small eyelids shut." Yes, be careful not to wake her." I tease and Grant smirks before unbuckling and getting out of the car. He walks around to the passenger door and I can tell he tries hard to open the door quietly. I unbuckle the child seat and Grand unhooks the handle and lifts her out of the car in the carrier.

I slowly get out of the car to; the area between my legs is still a little sore as well as my near death experience limiting me. Grant listened very carefully to the doctors and made sure I didn't lift anything heavy after my blood transfusion, even though that was a few days ago.

Up the front porch through the front door we walk into a strangely quiet house.


I about jump out of my skin at the cry and turn to see a crowd of people with pink balloons and party blowers under a banner saying 'It's a Girl!'. I turn my head back though to Ella to see if the loudness woke her, but she only stirs in the slightest and nods off again. I can't help but chuckle and look to Grant.

"She must get your heavy sleeper genes." I say and he playfully rolls his eyes before my attention goes back to our welcome party. I spot Annie first and she doesn't wait as she crashes me a in a big hug.

"I'm so glad you okay." She whispers and I manage to hug her back, missing her caring nature. Pulling away its not long before she spots Ella and she could be practically squealing by the look on her face." Can I see her?"

I smile and Grant and I walk over to the table in the corner and place the carrier on top. Ella still being asleep I don't make a move to take her out but I don't think Annie minds as she gazes at her.

"She's beautiful guys." She beams. I turn to see Grant greeting Shawn.

"I wasn't expecting a surprise." I state and Annie laughs.

"Well after everything that happened we didn't get to give you a proper baby shower, so we only thought it appropriate." Annie grins and I can't help but smile back, looking at everyone here in the room to welcome us back. I could truly say seeing my Mum, Brother, Rania, Abby, Ali, Dr. Norton, Martha, Dom and even Caleb made me happy to some how fallen into their lives.

The small party was fun and I stayed with Ella as I greeted everyone. I was given a showering of small gifts and toys for Ella who was still managing to sleep through all the laughs and talking.

When Dom came to greet me he was carrying the cutest black wolf plushy I had ever seen, just like a Shadow wolf but less scary. It was a gift for Ella and I could help but laugh as it was nearly twice her size but I laid it next to her in her carrier and decided I had seen nothing sweeter then when she rested her head against the soft toy. Only a week old and she already was becoming in touch with her wolf side.

Grant couldn't get the smile off his face either at the sight and we took pictures. But after about an hour I was beginning to get tired and Grant noticed to.

" Before you have a rest I want to show you something." He whispers in my ear as we are saying goodbye. I give him a quizzical look but nod nonetheless. He carries Ella up the flights of stairs as I struggle up them myself.

Reaching Grants apartment we walk in and he doesn't wait for me to catch up as he walks down the hallway, right to the end room. Before opening the door he gives me a mischievous smile. He creaks it open, flicks on the light and my jaw drops.

I hadn't imagined a nursery like this with the forest wallpaper and the woodland like theme. It was adorable, perfect for a boy or girl but seemed to match our lives perfectly. The same white crib was appropriately done with a blanket and an armchair beside it with a cute owl cushion. Everything we bought was set up and ready.

"When did this happen?" I ask walking further into the room, admiring the small details.

"I had to keep busy when you were at S.E.R.O" Grant says and I turn to see him wearing a half smile. And I could tell even after everything, he still had hope we would be together again.


We put Ella down in her crib for her first sleep at home. Grant and I leaned over and watched out daughter.

" It still doesn't feel real, you know?" Grant whispers and I give him a questionable look.

"I thought you said you were a 'have to see it to believe it' person, because Grant she's right there..." I tease and he huffs in amusement as a response.

" Very funny, I can see my daughter very well thank you. I just meant this past couple weeks, some how we have all ended up okay." Grant replies.

"Not everyone...." I say, referring to everyone at S.E.R.O, and those who died such as Mr. McCoy and Mr. Emerson that some how still haunt my dreams.

"Those bastards deserved it." Grant says darkly.

"Grant, language!" I scold.

"She's asleep..." Grant flatly states.

"Still..." I drag out, thinking it would be good practice as Grant still manages to slip a few curse words here and there." I can't believe they did all that planning just so they could get me pregnant, and all I thought was I made an unforgiving drunken mistake one night."

"Not a mistake, Brooke." Grant says shaking his head before lowering his gaze to our daughter." A miracle."


Hey guys, might be a shorter chapter but thought it was cute to have. But sadly that was the last chapter... But there will be an epilogue.

You guys are truly amazing and I could not have asked for more support for the story so thanks so much. Working on a couple other story ideas so stay tuned.

So you amazing people Keep VOTING and COMMENTING!

Update, I know I normally do every two days but the Epilogue probably wouldn't be uploaded until next weekend.... Sorry but I am still writing it and want it to be perfection! ;)

Love U

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