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I only experienced two contractions in the car ride to the familiar safe house I was taken to after being rescued the first time from S.E.R.O. It some how seems fitting that my life is coming back around full circle.

Grant helps me out of the car, supporting me as we get to the main bedroom and I waste no time in lying down again, I have a constant ache in my back that I know won't go away.

"Have you called Dr. Norton?" Grant asked as he sits beside me on the bed and he takes me hand. Grateful, I squeeze it.

"Yes, after we called Brooke. He should arrive here in less than three hours. I've asked him to bring supplies." Ally explains.

"Will he be here in time?" I ask.

"It depends how quick this baby wants to come, it's going to be a waiting game I'm afraid... but first let's check your progress so far, do you mind rolling over for me, Brooke."

I slowly roll over until I am flat on my back, I don't enjoy it as most of the pressure is centered there. Ally rolls up my shirt and starts compressing my belly; it's slightly uncomfortable as she presses in as if trying to feel the baby. Just as she is about done the worst contraction yet takes ahold and I tense up, bracing against it.

"Brooke, you have to relax. You tensing up is only going to slow things down. The good news is the baby is in the right position but she isn't going to come any quicker if you brace against the contractions, you have to breathe through them."

I try and do so, but it becomes tiring and I want to resort back to my old method. The pain slowly ebbs away and I sink back into the bed, my body going limp again.

"I'm going to have to do an internal examination now." Ally says hesitantly and I don't understand what she is talking about for a few seconds. But when it registers I groan helping her to get me in position for her to inspect the area in which the baby will hopefully be popping out soon.

She drapes a sheet over my bent knees after she comes back from the en suite bathroom from washing her hands. Its unpleasant as she inspects me but a minute later she pulls away." You're about 3 to 4 centimeters dilated, and your waters haven't broken yet."

" You say that is if it's a bad thing." I groan and Ally sighs.

"Well you have 6 more centimeters to go before you can start pushing and your water will hopefully break on its own, I suggest you either try and get some rest or relax in the bath they have in the bathroom. Normally first time labors are longer but as I said it's a waiting game."

"I'll run you a bath." Grant says, kissing me on the forehead before letting go of my hand and entering the en suite bathroom. I give Ally my thanks.

"Don't mention it, I'll come and check on you every hour or so. Just call if you need me." She smiles, gently squeezing me knee before disappearing out the door.

I lie there and listen to the water running, the sound making a hallow echo. I roll back onto my side, the sheet covering my half naked body.

Having to give birth in a house with out much medical supplies scares me. I know I am in good hands, and some woman do home births but I know deep down this moment in my life I was dreading. And I sadly think to myself that either being in a hospital, the pack house or dare I say it, S.E.R.O is going to make a difference...

I pull away from my miserable thoughts as I hear Grant coming back into the bedroom. He kneels down to be at eye level with me, and the way he smiles give me hope, comfort, and determination to push away the fears.

" How you doing?" Grant asks, reaching out to push away a stray strand of hair on my forehead. I give him a flat look and he bites back a chuckle." I know, stupid question."

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