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"- So after that night I did my own research... turns out she was right all along, I was doing the dirty work for organizations such as S.E.R.O."

I finished explaining my story on how I met Raina, Grant's sister that one night I was actually assigned to kill her. I haven't dared look at Grant through my whole retelling, how could I look him in the eye after admitting all of that?

Abby is the one to speak first." You said you faked your death, is that how you got out?"

I nod." In San Francisco I pretended to be in a car accident... as bad is it sounds I switched medical files with one of the female deceased victims."

There's pure silence in the room, my heart beating hard. I had only ever had to explain this story once to my brother, from after my staged death I went to New York.

"You didn't kill her." Grant's sharp voice makes me look to him, although I remain my gaze at his chest, no where near his face." Why?"

I try and come up with the right words to say." I am not a killer... and killing a werewolf would be like disowning my family, and if they knew what I was actually doing they probably would... your sister was right, I should thank her."

"You will thank her." Grant sates simply walking past me and Abby with out a second glance." When we find her." He leaves his office, keeping the door wide open as if it is an indication to also leave.

I feel upset that he would walk away, although I know he has every right to be angry with me right now. I turn my attention to Abby who lets out a heavy sigh.

"Well that was an overly melodramatic afternoon." She states and I try to pull a smile, but I feel emotionally drained from all that I have said and been told before hand." Don't worry about Grant, his always been the bruiting type... and its defiantly not the first time he has walked out of his office."

I don't say anything but nod, trying to seem like Abby's ways of cheering me up have worked. But it seems with Grant we take one step forward and two steps back. I can't appear to do anything but stay in an awkward position with each other. A one-night stand turned out to involve me, the woman who is now pregnant with his child and also tried to kill his sister. It just goes to show that it's a small world after all... ironically.

" I'm sure Martha is starting to cook dinner, if you want you can help me and my sister with organizing Lily's party tomorrow."

My ears perk up at this." Its tomorrow?"

"Yeah well Annie wants it as soon as possible, since my last minute trip she cancelled it... I much rather she had gone as planned." Abby explains.

I am able to chuckle at this." I take it your not a children person?"

Abby gives me a wide eyed look." Don't get me wrong, I love my niece to death but she is handful on her own, not to mention a party consists of more children."

" Well I hear there's not to many in the pack, not much to worry about, Abby."

Abby rolls her eyes." I guess, but there is going to be one more soon enough." She points to my stomach and I look down to see it already expanding into a rounder bump. I subconsciously put a hand on my stomach giving it a little pat.

" Come one preggers, lets go eat." Abby says, I don't bother protesting to the name because I know that will only encourage Abby.


It was surprisingly a warm day as Lily's party was set up outside near the 'Hidden Waterfall' and a sky lake. I teased them on the original name but the fact was that the waterfall was hidden, situated in a small open area. It was beautiful with pine trees starting to lose their needles, but the lake was breath taking. It was clear blue; a mirror image of the sky lay across the water.

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