Chapter 24

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What I thought would be an overnighter in the medical clinic, turned out to be a few days. Dr. Norton though it easier because he had to redress my scratch wound, and make sure its didn't get infected. He informs me its healing well, and he can take out the stiches soon.

I have had a few visits from different people. Annie and Shawn who were very grateful, and I was excited to see Lily doing alright when she came in an showed me a dance with her wand and new fairy outfit from her birthday. When Abby came, I didn't forgot tot thank her a few times from that night. Abby, being Abby didn't want that much praise as she says it's 'to dramatic'.

Grant's came everyday, sometimes twice when he gets the chance. It's just nice to talk to him. When I bring up his sister, Raina I can tell he is happy to be back but I don't think he quite yet has forgiven her for my shoulder yet.

Right now I am taking an afternoon nap, seeing how I have to catch up on sleep. The first couple nights it took me a while to drift off because of the throb in my shoulder.

About to finally shut my eyes I hear the light creak off the door. Blinking my eyes open I mange to sit up against my pillow as I spot the figure.

When I see their face, my heart rate picks up as I reach my hand under my pillow. I may have 'borrowed' a scalpel from Dr. Norton to use as a defense weapon. After all the trouble I am getting into I thought it safe to be prepared.

Raina walks further into the room, wearing simple jeans and a lose t-shirt and for the first time she isn't wearing a cap. Her pale green eyes, exactly like Grant's watch me, she's probably already noticed my hand slipped under the pillow.

"Well..." She speaks first, her voice different from when I met her, less... aggressive." Its good to see you alright."

"Should I be worried?" I ask gripping the scalpel in my hands.

But Raina just laughs, more nervously then anything." I really screwed up the other night."

" Well... you screwed up my shoulder." I state, my hand relaxing around the scalpel.

She bites her lip." My wolf can be a bit... temperamental sometimes. Its not everyday you see the last person your expecting... and when you said Grant's name, from our history I thought you had done something to him."

I nod along, accepting her reasons although the awaked tension still surrounds us.

"So..." I state." Is there something I can help you with?" I try not to sound rude; although every time I have been around this woman it's not normally a happy ending.

She sighs, coming to sit on the chair beside my bed." Grant... told me everything. It looks like I am going to be an aunty soon." She smiles again, I can see she is trying to move forward from our beginnings and I guess this is a good start. I move my hand away from under the pillow, and rest it on my stomach growing by the day.

" Yeah, I hope your planning on sticky around." I state.

She smiles." I've lost nine years with my brother, I don't plan on going anywhere soon."

I have an itch to ask about her past, Grants past and there family but I realize I don't really have a right.

"Grant's happy your back." I say and she playfully rolls her eyes.

"Sure he is. He is still mad that I attacked you."

"He'll get over it, he takes time to process things." I explain and she nods with a smile, her eyes then travel to my shoulder.

"Is it alright?" she asks, some concerned in her voice.

I wave it off as usual." Its fine, I'm just glad it's still attached." I joke trying to lighten the mood and she chuckles.

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