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The celebration was in full swing, and everyone was having a good time. FAB 5 was drinking with their buddies while Navya and Nandini were making new friends and socialising with everyone around them. Everyone had been congratulating Nandini after her stunning performance. Soon after, the presenter returned to the stage, saying, "I am back guys, and with a new surprise." We won't be doing individual training this time, but rather a couple dance. "" A couple dancing. What's new about this?" a man inquired."Guys, this isn't your typical couple dance; you'll be dancing in a circle, changing partners one by one, with the twist being that the last person you have as your partner means you have a strong connection with him or her," the host added. "A couple dancing? No, I'm not going to do it." Nandini tried to persuade Navya to accept, but she refused. " Navya, relax, it's just a couple dance," Nandini added."However, Nandini, our final partner, will have a connection with us." Isn't that odd? " Navya yelled." Unusual? All of this is foolish, Navya. That is not the case. " Navya giggled as she heard her friend's genuine dread."And what if it's true?" Navya wondered. "Of course it isn't. Just don't worry about it too much." Nandini brushed off the subject."Now, get your partners on the floor and begin dancing." "Let the DJ play the music." As Manik approached Nandini, a man appeared and took her to the dance floor, making Manik envious. While Cabir was right beside him, a similar thing happened, so the initial pairs were Manik-Mukti, Dhruv-some random girl, Cabir-Alya, and Nandini-some other guy as the song began and Ed Sheeren's 'Perfect' rang through the room.

Manik didn't like how the guy was grabbing Nandini by the waist. He was envious as his eyes went green from observing Manik's discomfort. Mukti enquired about the situation, but he just responded no.The partners have now been switched once more. Nandini is Dhruv, Cabir is a random girl, Manik is Alya, and Mukti is a random guy. While everyone was dancing and getting to know each other better, Nandini was very comfortable with Dhruv. Alya was babbling the entire time, but Manik wasn't paying attention because he was too engaged watching Nandini with Dhruv.

The partners were swapped once more, resulting in Cabir-Nandini, Manik-Navya, Alya-a random guy, and Mukti, who did not like the dance and grabbed the bar counter. She poured herself a drink.Cabir was enjoying watching Manik become green in jealousy so much that he purposefully conversed with Nandini, making her laugh with his idiotic jokes. Manik recognised Cabir's every move, so he began dancing with Navya, making her feel more at ease. Manik, understanding her thoughts, placed a small space between them and smiled at her. This act made Navya feel a little better because she assumed her friend Nandini had misidentified him.

Cabir grinned at Manik, and Nandini, who was on her way to another guy, was dumped immediately into Manik's arms as he came between the purported guy and her. Grabbing her and pulling her towards him. By the end of the night, we had the most anticipated partners of the night, namely MANIK-NANDINI, CABIR-NAVYA, and DHRUV-ALYA.

"Now we have our last song, and you have your last partners," the host said as he returned to the stage. "The one who has strong ties to you." Nandini's eyes widened in surprise as she recognised her partner was Manik, who was smirking, pleased with his ruse.

Nandini began to move away from him in an attempt to gain some space, but Manik was too quick to let her go, pulling her wrist and causing her to collide with his chest. Nandini could feel his hot breaths as she gazed down, and Manik gave the host a thumbs up as the song "Us" by James Bay was played.Nandini tried to go again, but Manik hugged her again because he didn't want her to leave. He twirled her around while moving his fingers on her bare hands, sending feelings throughout her entire body. He kept his hands to her naked waist and jerked her closer to him.

Manik's dancing reflected all of his emotions. They both moved to the centre of the dance floor as other couples formed a circle around them. Nandini chose not to give Manik much more of her attention as she glanced everywhere but him, making him annoyed as Manik gripped her chin by his fingers, forcing her to face him as they both became lost in the moment again. It was a draw in some way that made them forget their actual surroundings for a few nanoseconds as his hands continued to bring her closer and closer to him. Manik spun Nandini around, and this time she gripped both of his hands fiercely as Manik held her in the air.He placed her down as they enjoyed a charming eyelock that he couldn't let go of. Unfortunately, the song ended, bringing them out of their fantasy world. Nandini glanced away from Manik as she walked away as quickly as she could, making Manik's face adore a slight smile.

He looked at Cabir, who was grinning wide, as they both remembered what had transpired a few minutes before.When Alya invited him to dance, Manik readily excused himself for a moment and stepped aside. After colliding with the host, he pushed him into a corner before slamming him against the wall."This cash is only for you if you do as I say." Manik gave him the command."But-" the guy was terrified for his life because he'd heard a lot of negative theories from other classmates. "There are no ifs or buts. Do you have any idea who I am? My name is Manik Malhotra, and I can-" Manik scolded him as the man hastily apologised, "Sorry sir. I didn't realise you were the trustee's son. Please tell me. What should I do?""It's a simple request." You only have to change the tune as soon as I gaze at you and don't let the couples change after that. It means they'll be the last couple standing. I hope you understood." Manik outlined his strategy to him."Yes, sir."" good. I don't want any blunders." Manik smirked as he gave Cabir, who was standing directly across from him on the floor, a thumbs up.Back in the present, Navya was leaping up and down, exclaiming, "Do you know who my last partner was?"" Who? " Nandini inquired, trying to be glad for her friend despite her annoyance at what had happened to her." Oh God? Guess?" Navya clapped her hands like a small child. " Navya tells me. Nandini explained." Cabir. And you already know how nice he is." Navya answered, her eyes twinkling with joy, to which Nandini simply hummed.

" Forget about it. "Who was your coworker?" Navya inquired.Nandini replied with a straight face, "Manik."" That was unavoidable. "I had a feeling from the beginning," Navya remarked."What do you mean?" a perplexed Nandini inquired." There is nothing. Let us proceed from here. Otherwise, the food will spoil." Navya responded by diverting the subject as she drew Nandini to the food counter.As an idea popped into Manik's head again, FAB 5 was enjoying and watching Nandini go." Navya! "Come here, Nandini," he said.

Both girls, well, Nandini proceeded towards FAB 5 with an irritated expression, refusing to look at Manik at all."Girls, come here. Forget about the previous events. "Waiter, get them some drinks." Mukti suppressed her laughter as she considered the events of the future."No, thanks." Come on Nandini, we're running late." navya refused, feeling uneasy about the situation. When Manik said, "Mukti my bro, forget it," she drew Nandini along with her. "These girls aren't going to be able to handle it."" what?" Mukti pretended to be shocked. But after hearing this, Nandini came to a halt and turned to face Manik. And how could she have departed when it came down to the girls' pride?

"What did you say?" she said, her arms crossed in front of her chest." I am correct. Am I right, guys? "Because you girls just can't handle it," Manik mocked."Oh, really? Never undervalue women. We can handle it perfectly. "Just like you guys." Nandini spoke confidently, and Manik knew he had hit the nail on the head."Oh, then show it?" Manik motions to the bar table."Is it a challenge?" Nandini inquired."If you think so, then yess." Manik responded with a smirk." Nandini " What are you up to? "Let's just get out of here." Navya tried to pull her friend away from the pit she was about to fall into, but Nandini had already gone too far, saying, "Navya, wait." Mr Manik Malhotra, you are correct. Manik's grin widened as he accepted the challenge.

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