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Two years had ran down the horizon but some things were still the same. Two hearts. One with the guilt and other heart occupied with hatred. The flight landed at the London airport where all anyone could hear upto a mile were screams. Screams of young and teenage girls as they shouted on top of their voices in order to welcome the charmers of their lives.
The name was something alot many people were now familiar with ; FAB 5. Or the Fabulous 5. A group of five people that had made their way smoothly into the music industry and have recently step foot into the global world.

The group walked out of the airport with security surrounded around them as the poor yet incredibly strong fellows tried their best to keep the youngs beasts surrounding them pretty well tamed and at a safer distance. 
" Guys i am too tired." mumbled Cabir as he waved at the audience.
"I am feeling way too sleepy right now. You know proper sleep is so important for me." Alya replied before taking a glance of her apperance in her mirror.
"Yeah right." Mukti rolled her eyes at her friend's statement before she added, " But where the hell is Manik? He said he'll be back in a minute." she said looking around for the man of the moment.
" Did you Miss me Sweetheart." came a voice from behind as Mukti turned and found the guy or rather the 'Rockstar Manik Malhotra' trapped among the fangirls as they chanted his name. Of course he was their first and last crush.
" And here you are. Now we know no one will recognise us." joked Dhruv as he helped his friend into tackling the crowd.
" guys." Manik gave him a pointed look to which Dhruv laughed and said, " just joking. So what's the plan?"

Before Manik could say any further a girl came running towards him as she literally screamed in her oh so fabulous voice, " Oh My gosh. Manik i really like you." she said.
" what?" Manik was taken a back by her clingy behavior.
" Oh sorry what am i even saying. I love you. Will you click a picture with me?" she asked understanding his uncomfortable mind when the guards came running and pulled the girl away from him.
" Sorry sir. She pushed us and ran here." one of the man apologized.
" Manik i love you." said the girl while listening to the word LOVE brought back flashbacks of his lady love.
"Sir. Let it be she is just a fan. Wait you wanted to take a picture so let's take a selfie insited." said Manik in a soft voice as they clicked a selfie together while the other memebers of the group got themselves moving towards the parking lot where a car was waiting for them.
A car from the company who's one of the top most music company in the entire world and also will be sponsoring their London concert.
" hello sir myself Albert and i'll be your manager till you are here." a man in his early 30's said greeting them.
" hi i am Ma-" before Manik could introduce himself, the guy said , " sir everyone knows you here."
" Well do you speak other languages than english too?" asked Manik.
" yess sir actually most of our clients are from India and across the globe so i have learnt a little bit." replied Albert.
"Well that's great so what's the plan?" Manik asked as the driver loaded their luggge in another car. 
" sir actually Mr. Stephen had to go for an urgent meeting and he is very sorry for the inconvenience. " apologized the guy.
" its fine even we are tired so we just want to relax. " said Cabir.
"Yeah sure sir. I will be accompanying you to your stay. Shall we leave?" 
"Yes please." whined Alya.
"And our other luggage?" Mukti asked indicating to their music equipments.
" Ma'am we have already loaded them in a different car." Albert said as he opened the door for the women to step in first.
" that was fast." Dhruv applauded as he got in next.
" sir actually our boss accepts no mistakes. They want everything to be perfect. " replied albert as was the last to get in.

Mukti giggled as she said all of a sudden, " You mean they are strict and meanies." 
"No ma'am both the boss's are perrty decent and supportive but they are just a little strict towards work. They can't even tolerate a single mistake. " Albert replied as they forwarded them certain in car beverages.
" so you have two boss's. Right?" asked Alya. 
" yes they both are great friends. Even though our ma'am holds 51% shares and sir holds 49 % shares, he is the more disciplinary one. Also a little possessive and caring for our ma'am." Albert explained them with a smile.
" interesting. Now I am more eager to meet your both of you boss's." said Cabir as him and Dhruv shared a secret look.
" guys let's move." Manik said clearly not interested in the random talks while Albert kept showing them all the places they were travelling through as he informed them about the city but Manik was lost somewhere.
"Hey. you are thinking about Nandini right?" cabir said nudging his friend by his elbow.
" No i am just-" Manik was about to tell him a lie in order to not upset his friend but Cabir was quicker than him.
" Manik. We searched for her at every place we could know of. Even where we went for our concerts." said Cabir.
"I know Cabir. But i too have promised myself that i will try and find her till my last breathe." replied Manik before looking out of the window once again as he thought, " I Don't know if thinsg will be perfect or not but i swear that i'll never loose hope to get her back Cabir, because i know she do miss me like i miss her. I'll always wait for her till my last breath."

" By the way Manik what do you think about the boss of this, what's it's name, oh yes , 'NaRya' company. Wierd name but i guess the femal boss must be quite hot and sexy." said cabir in order to lighten up the mood.
" Cabir you'll never change." Manik said before both of them laughed but suddenly Manik remembered about his laughing moments with Nandini and he became sad again.

Cabir chose to give Manik his space this time as he found his friend lost in those memories. The most beautiful moments of his life. But eventually came the memories of the day which took his life away from him. And like always he opened his bag, taking out a diary from it. The diary contained all their pictures and at the very end a picture of hers that he had clicked secretly. How he wished everything to get back to normal. 
"I am sorry. Please come back." Manik wished as they went past a bridge while somewhere in the corner of the world. 

A girl came out of her room, quite well dressed in a formal attire with a smile on her face but not everyone if aware of the smile that's actually just a fake crust from the outside because from the inside, her heart is broken and shattered into tiny pieces . 
Who would have thought that she was the one who had cried innumerable nights for someone she had loved the most but now it's time to rise and show the world and him too, that now she is not that old innocent and naive girl he she once was but an independent and self made one who knows how to move according to world and is well aware of how to move world according to her.

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