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Was Alya's statement really the truth? Was this concert a charade for revenge all along?

Before anyone can give anymore thought to those statements, the assistants came running, looks like the crowd wanted them now!! As the patience level kept dropping, they all loked at one another for one last time as the lights went dim, making the loud cheer from the audience go silent at once as they looked at one another. Soon a spotlight fell upon the centre stage as the floor opened vaults at different spaces. The group emerged with Manik at the front stage with a guitar in his hand while the smoke made his entry seem more dramatic than ever.

As they took their places behind their respective instruments, the group looked at one another for an affirmation which they did get in the form of a loud cheer from the crowd. Manik held onto the now fixed microphone infront of his as his eyes tried searching for his soul among that busy crowd,he had this feeling that she is somewhere near him, somewhere here watching them and he can never believe that she can ever ditch them. She is not a person who would take revenge and especially from him.

Hell then where was she? Did she have any idea how much he wished to see her face before stepping upon the stage. It's been like a tradition for him when before every concert his friends would leave him alone for 10 minutes as he would talk and take best wishes from her picture in his wallet. Even though the show would be theirs, but those minutes, those 10 freakin minutes were just his. But unfortunately when this time Manik wanted to sing his soul, his heart to her and the others, she wasn't here anymore.
(Playlist : After Hours By The Weeknd)

As the others gave him the beat, Manik took his bait as he sang it with as much emotions as he could, pouring his heart out into those perfectly moulded lyrics.

My Darkest Hours
Gilr, I felt so alone in this crowded room

He had picked that song out without even realizing what impact it was going to have on his mind, the day he'll actually have to perform it. It was as if the destiny had it's own plan with him which weren't going down any easy on him tonight.

He remembered the feeling he had the time he saw Nandini for the first time back home, her long black wavy hairs that were flowing with the hair, her big doe eyes which were shining and her bracket which linked them together. It was exactly this day 2 years ago, but it was as if the memory had embedded itself inside his mind, if that even makes any sense.

The crowd hooted loud and cheered for them while his friends just looked at him and smiled. It had been a long time since he had smiled a natural one while singing to any of his crowd. It was within from himself. For the first moment after a long time there's satisfaction on his face, for the first time his eyes are shining as they used to shine before and only one emotion can be seen in his eyes and that is love.

The moments which he had spent with her, may be they were irritating for her but for him they were his best moments as after two long years he could feel his girl right before him.

Manik closed his eyes on the beats waiting for his next chorus while his ears actually rang the rythm of his laughter. The room was vacant for him now and he could see her running around him as a white siloutte. The next chorus didn't do anymore good to him than it should have.
Where are you now when i need you the most?
I'd give it all just to hold you close
Sorry that i broke your heart
never comin' through
I was running away from facin' reality

It was definitely the story of his life, wasn't it? 
" I know this was something soft but the night awaits a lot for you all." he bowed down after the first song along with the others turning to leave the stage when they turned back again making the crowd go crazy as Aryaman joined them. Surprise! isn't it?

"This one's for all the beautiful ladies out there." the boy really knew his words well, thought Manik as he picked his guitar back.
(Playlist : What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction) 
Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you..

Oh to have been dazzled by these men from the stage as they touched their fingers against yours! The electricity and the rush, let's just say they won the girls over and why not, I don't know why you're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes

They definitely knew all the good places. Didn't they?

As the song ended, a cold rush went past through them, the crowd could wait for a few minutes but how long. It was a song they had been waiting for. A performance by all 7 of them with a slight problem; the main female lead singer was nowhere to be found at this odd hour.
"What are we supposed to do now?" Alya nibbled on her nails pacing back and forth behind the stage.
"How am i supposed to know? Moreover we can't stall them for long." replied a pretty annoyed Mukti as she pointed to the huge crowd waiting for them.
"But we'll have to do somethign eventually." Dhruv sat down on one of the boxes gulping down a bottle of water. The supporting vocals for Manik's performance were definitely hard.

"We'll get a solution only if we stop panicking." Cabir emphasied on the last few words.
"I know guys it's terrifying right now but i am also aware of the fact that Nandini will never leave us in such a situation ." Manik disagreed to their thoughts.
"I second that. I know she'll be here soon because it's not her to take a revenge like that by hurting people who are innocent. But- look until she arrives, we gotta take care of this crowd. Clare is already on Nandini finding duty so, trust me , she'll find her." Aryaman came in support of Manik's statement.
" i think we should start the song." suggested Manik.
" but what about her part?"
"I'll do that." Alya's voluntery thought actually surprised the others but they let that go, they had much more important situation at hand.
"fine let's do this." a reluctant Manik held out his hand for the others to take while they could easily hear the loud chanting of Nandini's name. This was definitely not going to be easy.

Everyone got back to their positions as Manik took the centre stage again but this time tagged along with Aryaman who nodded at him to begin his work, the only light available were that of the cell phones that were now aimed at them. The serenity was one to be noted and appreciated, unfortunately they were in a mess that actually looked it all over.
(Playlist : We Don't Talk Anymore)

Manik searched around the crowd for one glimpse of her the moment his heartbeat quickened, his vocals going down but thanking God for Aryaman's perfect timing, nobody apart from the duo had noticed that. Aryaman was well aware of the phase that Manik was currently going through, he had been there once but not anymore, loving someone is easy but watching them be there infornt but not with him is the most difficult thing.

Aryaman kept singing along keeping a hand on Manik's shoulder, assuring the boy that this was gonna be fine, they were all gonna be fine, definitely with her but if not then without her too. It was a team effort after all.
As soon as the female vocals timed itself, the aura around them got tensed, Mukti gave a look to Alya who was already setting her microphone well near her mouth, still pushing through the tunes of her keyboard. Even though she hadn't practised for it, she knew it well enough to make it through the show.

It was definitely now or never. No going back anymore.

LOST LOVE ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang