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The time had been moving on like sand from an hourglass were there had been every kind of moment, teasing from Rohan every now and then, his and Nandini's chemistry had been the talk of the town in the recent times but what has also been the talk of the town was how it clashed with the fans that had already named Manik and Nandini as soulmates, using the #ManNan for them.

But apart from the fun also came stress and tiredness as the minute went by and it was almost the day for the big live concert. It was almost as if the whole world had been waiting for it, as the buzz went around but it wasn't the buzz that had the girls holding their heads with pain. The only thing at priority on their mind was the costume for each of the performances. The outfits had to be on fleek.
Aryaman have had enough with the constant buzz of his cell phone as he silenced it after a million calls. He turned his phone upside down as he settled himself on the sofa.
"Hey Aryaman." Nandini walked in the living area with her chirpy voice as she flipped throug some costume designs on her phone.
"what Nandini? Look i am busy right now so it is better that you dont irritate me anyfurther." said the extremely annoyed guy as he stuffed his face in a pillow.
"Busy doing what? Stuffing your face in the pillow?" nandini teased as she pulled the soft object away from him.
"Stop irritating me!" came his shrieked voice as he pulled back the pillow from her.
" oh wait. I am irritating you. You know what get lost i don't even need you for this." it was Nandini this time who flipped her switch of annoyance. She wanted an important opinion from him.
"fine. Great atleast I'll get some peace." came his muffled voice when he got smacked with another pillow on her head. The commotion grabbed the curiosity of the other residents from the upper floor as they walked back down between the fight.

"woah woah what's wrong? What in the WWE is happenign here?" Manik asked looking between the two angry birds as they held a pillow each in their hand , ready for attack.
" Ask the princess here. I am way too busy for this dramatic women so will talk with you all later." Aryaman excused himself from the scene as he grabbed his cell phone and made his way to his office.
"As if i care." Nandini huffed in annoyance as she plopped down on the sofa where once Aryaman sat.
" What's wrong Nandini?" asked Manik as he sat on the coffee table infront of her.
" huh. He doesn't even care about me anymore. We're supposed to be best friends, aren't we?" Nandini asked with a dull and hurtful face. She really wants his opinion on this thing.
" but What's wrong? Mind detailing it a bit." asked Cabir as he sat down beside her putting an arm around her shoulder.
" We have a big problem here." the way her eyes widened at each word as if the world was crumpling down made Manik smile. There were times when he actually wanted to know if she was a kid in a grown up body. 
" problem? What kind of problem? I thought Aryaman was taking care of everything." her statement did startle the others , who had been quite carefree until now.
" Is everything okay?" Mukti too butted in as she looked around but found the place at it's best.
" guys you hang on. Nandini you tell me what's the issue here?" as Manik took her hand in his; the thumb gently stroking the back of her palm in small circles , did calm her a bit as she looked upto meet his gaze.

" Look the problem is our outfits. Everything is decided apart from that. The designers called in and they have a few options picked out for us but we haven't focused on it and now we don't even have time for any sort of alteration." her voice was low as if she felt small among them and the topic like a grain in sand.
" so the problem is outfit. Like really? wear anything." that was the easiest solution for Dhruv until his head was smacked by Mukti from behind.
" you are right even i am stuck upon what to wear. The stylist got me a few options too but i haven't connected to the theme yet." Mukti assured Nandini.
" i dont know which color to choose.. shimmery or bright or something light." Alya plopped beside Nandini as she flipped through the outfit pictures from her cell phone.
" You girls are nuts." Manik shook his head in amusement as he slightly slapped his forehead.
" oh hello. We girls have a class. We are not like you guys. Walk on stage wearing anything." Nandini shot him a glare as he moved ahead his her seat closer to him while her index finger pointed at him.
" what do you mean by you boys. Do we look like monkeys to you?" came his retort as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
" Good that you know where you stand. Cool." The air around them went tight with the amount of glaring and huffing that happened between them until Rohan walked in. Talk about perfect timing.
" What happened? Is it hot in here?" he asked looking at the two as he tried to control his laughter.
"Ask the stupid drama queen here." Manik snapped back as he got up from his place, ready to leave the room; he have had way too much of Rohan-Nandini bonding.
" Idiot jerks . Rohan we have an issue. The outfits haven't been finalized yet. Let alone the fitting and alteration." Nandini too walked and stood beside her partner.

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