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A spotlight fell on Nandini while Aryaman emerged from the center of the stage with a mike in his hand as he addressed her.

" Nandini. Oops for me it's Nanz or little one or urgg you have too many names from me. Always have. You are the person who has taught me how to live my life actually. I don't talk about it much but i lost my parents when i was a kid. Tragic story i know. But then i got someone as you. At first i was always angry at your God, correcting our God now since you've relived the faith within me, just because i thought that how could he snatch my loved ones from my life but then you came along with all the bad i was facing. My firefly to spread light and happiness in my life. I know i am boring alot of you here but i actually have to do this today because it marks my 15th year with her. So Nandini i have something for you." he said before the lights went off completely and the his chorus of "Best Friends" by The Weekend reach their eardrums.

Aryaman went down the stage doing steps and moved towards Nandini. He pulled her towards him as he started dancing infront of her. He went back a little as people too chimed into the music. His voice was a mixture of honeycomb mixed with lavender in an open garden. He touched his hearts with his hands as he simultaneously indicated towards her.

He pulled Navya towards him as the two moved along the beats. Even Navya was comfortable being around him. He pointed towards Nandini telling that she is the girl who will forever be his bestfriend. Navya and Aryaman started doing some fun steps together while Nandini kept smiling watching her 2 besties have the time of their lives.

Aryaman went towards the bar counter where FAB 5 and Nandini were standing. He made everyone aside and jumped on the counter.

The song ended and Nandini just crushed Aryaman in her arms. Even though Manik was mesmerised seeing her dance but somewhere he had been controlling his anger from coming out because of Aryaman. Since he had no interest in creating a scene or rather put down his image in front of HER.

All were enjoying when Cabir brought drinks as well as cold drinks for everyone. Nandini was about to take the glass filled with alchohol when Manik stopped her.
" Nandini i think you should drink soft drinks because i know you wont be able to handle and it's very strong." he said.
" Manik it's fine i can handle it." Nandini took back the glass as Manik stopped her again.
" i know how much you can handle. Do you remember the last time you got drunk?" he replied as Nandini remembered each and every moment spent with Manik while she was drunk and a hue of pink color came upon her cheek which didn't get unnoticed by Aryaman

" Nandini i guess Manik is right." Aryaman agreed.
" ok fine . If you both insist." nandini said as she left the alchohol and took a non-alchoholic drink. Manik was wuite happy that Nandini did what he told her to but his mind went back to the thought that she said it when Aryaman too asked her the same.

The party was at it's full swing. Everyone was dancing and enjoying their new friendship. Just when a gang of some loony guys came beside them as they began commenting on the girls.
" Woah woah woah guys so much hottness for today." one of them stated as the other gareed and said, " Hot and sexy." 

Aryaman was about to walk towards them to show them what hotness really meant but Nandini stopped him. 
"Hey Arya, leave it we'll go somewhere else okay. Please." she requested trying to control his anger. Everyone agreed as they went towards a different corner of the pub. Nandini too moved ahead but unfortunately was stopped by one of the guy who held her hand. She turned and jerked it away from his hold but the guy was too stubborn. Before he could hold her hand again, he was stopped by two strong pair of hands. Nandini looked up to find Manik as her saviour.

Manik came ahead Nandini and held the guy by his collars as he punched him hard, making him fall to the ground. Before any other gang member could attack Manik, Aryaman stepped in as he started helping Manik to teach them all a good lesson. Dhruv too came forward but Cabir stopped him.
" let them handle it. We need to stay with the girls." he suggested to which Dhruv gave a slight nod.

The guys were beaten black and blue by both the boys as their eyes burned with pure lava of anger. One had the mindset of how could someone touch his love while the other was annoyed by how these guys had commented on his friend. Both had different reasons but their love and friend was the same, NANDINI.

Manik held Nandini's hand and everyone made their way out of the pub.
" Nandini and Aryaman you get inside my car and everyone just go home and take rest we have our practise tomorrow." he said as he moved a frustrated hand through his hair.
" Manik relax. We will go. We do have Arya's bike." Nandini tried to calm him down.
" Manik Nandini is right we can go. you don't need to stress. I'll take care of us. " Aryaman said.
" Aryaman you can't drive your bike. You've hurt your hand and moreover it's too late so get back inside the car." Manik pointed at his hand before opening the door for Nandini to get in.


The night had been quite disturbing for all the people but specially for Nandini as she laid down on her bed thinking, "Why did Manik behave like this? It felt like i saw something for me in his eyes. What was it? Was it due to friendship or there is some other reason. I haven't seen him this angry ever before. He was determined to kill those boys. But Nandini what are you even thinking, Arya also did the same for you because they both are my friends and they care for me." she shushed herself for overthinking on such a small topic and soon sleep took over her senses.

The next morning everyone were at Manik's house for rehearsing for their performance when Aryaman got a call and he went out to attend it.

" Guys. We have almost done it just a little more practise and we'll be ready." Manik said as Aryaman got back in after attending the call," You are right Manik. And guys i too have a plan." he added.
"Plan? Arya plan for what?" Nandini asked.
" Remember i told you guys that i am here for some personal reasons too. So one of them is my business. I have some work at my farmhouse and since we still have 2 days, i was thinking that we all can go there and practise. Moreover we all will get some peace and no disturbance." said Aryaman.

" but Aarya we don't have much time. " Nandini was a bit concerned.
"I know Nandini but it will be just for a day and we'll practise there too. Moreover we still have 2 days with us." Aryaman tried convincing her. 
" But Arya what about preperations for the fest?" she said but Manik stepped in.
" Nandini Aryaman is right. we all need a peaceful place away from all this disturbance so its a great idea. What do you all think?" Manik supported Aryaman as everyone looked at each other before agreeing to the offer.

" Cool so we'll leave after an hour and thankfully it's just a 2 hour journey." Aryaman informed before he started preperations for their journey.

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